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Old 02-07-2012, 06:04 PM
MT2008's Avatar
MT2008 MT2008 is offline
IMFDB & Forum Admin
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 2,619
Default New Admin nominations?

Hi all,

First, thank you to those who sent me PMs asking how I was doing (you know who you are). I appreciate your concern, and this post will hopefully answer your questions.

As most of you have probably noticed, I am not on IMFDB all that much lately, even though I was once a very prolific and active user. There are two reasons for this:

(1.) I have been very busy finishing my Master's, applying to Ph.D programs, searching for jobs, and doing other research. I successfully defended my M.A. thesis in December, but remain preoccupied with the other tasks. No job interviews yet (besides a couple of Skype conferences), but I've spent a lot of time going back and forth to D.C., re-connecting with people from school and meeting new contacts.

(2.) I got engaged in January, and will be getting married at the end of June. My (now) fiancee and I moved into a new loft apartment recently, and we were very busy settling in and buying new furniture. I also wound up selling my Mossberg 500 Mariner and a Ruger Mark II (don't worry - it was just to finance the purchase of our bedroom suite; I'm not about to sell any of my other hardware, in case you guys were worried that I've done a complete 180. )

Long story short, I'm way too busy to fulfill my regular duties on IMFDB. So...I am once again seeking to find new Administrators. Mostly, I am looking for people to nominate for Admin status on the forum, which means that you would be in charge of activating new forum members' accounts. I am (at present) the only person besides Bunni who has forum Admin status; I have received a large number of requests to approve new member accounts, and have not fulfilled any of these requests yet (because I neither know how nor have the time to figure it out). Since I am on IMFDB so rarely that I am unfamiliar with who's who and who's been doing the most work, I figured that I should seek your input on who to nominate. You guys know who you like and respect, and since some of you have previously suggested that we make the nomination process a little more democratic, I've decided to listen.

Therefore, I would appreciate it if you would all post in this topic and include the following:

(1.) Up to 3 people (no more) who you believe deserve Administrator status on the main site and Moderator status on the forum.

(2.) Up to 2 people (no more) - preferably current forum Moderators (not members who hold no staff positions) - who will serve as forum Administrator. Remember that unlike Mods, forum Admins get to approve new users, which means that they get more control over the board settings than regular Mods.

There's only one rule: Please do NOT nominate yourself. Even if you believe you're the right person for the job, I would rather hear it from your peers.

Thanks, guys.
Cry "Havoc," and let slip the hogs of war.

Last edited by MT2008; 02-07-2012 at 06:08 PM.
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