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Old 05-29-2009, 10:29 PM
jdun jdun is offline
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Default Knob Creek Range Live Internet Feed

If you don't have anything planed this weekend you might want to check it out.



The Ohio and Kentucky hometown forums are doing a shoot this weekend at the fabled Knob Creek Range. A lot of familiar faces will be there at this one, and get this - we even talked 70satvert into driving up from Mississippi. He'll be bringing his famous viking hat, and plenty of Knob Creek bourbon.

For the live broadcast, it'll be going all weekend - EVDO signal and mobile A/C power permitting. You're going to see AR's, AK's, 50's, Beltfeds, and more full auto than you can shake a stick at. And as a special treat, we've got 150lbs of Tannerite to keep us all giggling like little schoolgirls.

Here's the scoop, as far as the live video goes. Starting around 10:00am Friday morning, I'll have the camera mounted in my Mustang. I'll be driving down to Pudwak's shop in Columbus (he needs some computer help). I'll try and make it entertaining, while I'm there (bear with me). He gets off work at 6:00pm. From there, we'll be heading over to his house and loading the trailer up with the arsenal and supplies. I'll move the camera over to his Cherokee, and we'll make the drive to Kentucky. I expect that we'll get to the camp site at Knob Creek Range somewhere around 1:00am Saturday morning. When we get there, there will be lots of fun around the campfire, and Lord knows what else. When day break comes, the shooting will commence. Saturday night - more shennenigans around the campfire.

My hope is to keep the camera going all weekend, broadcasting live video to everyone. This is entirely dependent on the availability of power, and sufficient signal for my wireless EVDO card. We'll try to keep it entertaining, but there's not going to be somebody manning the camera 24x7 (we all want to have fun, too), so don't expect a Discovery Channel style documentary, okay?

Think of it like this - you're going to see a "Weekend in the life of Subnet". Enjoy. I've got a chat room on the site, to keep this thread from getting *too* out of hand. It's moderated, so don't be a shit head. Enjoy, dudes.

I expect to have the official broadcast kicked off this morning (Friday) by around 10:00am EDT. It might be a little later, so just play it by ear. In the meantime, I've got some tunes playing at the moment. Bookmark it, check in and out throughout the weekend, and enjoy the fun.

Here's the link:

Techincal info, since it always seems to come up:

The mobile broadband internet connection is provided by an EVDO card (Sprint) in my laptop. The audio and video is encoded using Flash Media Encoder, and the feed is sent to a Win2k3 server on a FAST internet connection (north of 50 megabit), running IIS and Adobe Flash Media Streaming Server. I can support hundreds of viewers with nary a problem. The reliability of the broadcast hinges entirely on the EVDO signal I happen to have, at any given moment. I need enough upload bandwidth on my end (mobile) to support 80kbps video, and 22kbps audio. This is normally not a problem as I'm driving around Ohio, but just like your cell phone, there are areas where it's not the greatest. You'll see it drop in and out every now and then while I'm driving.

I have NO idea how good of a signal I will have at Knob Creek, since I've never tried this there. I have done these while driving all around Ohio and Kentucky, and I know for sure I'll have enough bandwidth to support that part of it. The actual signal available at the range is the wildcard. We'll play it by ear.

Enjoy the broadcast, dudes.
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Old 05-30-2009, 01:02 AM
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Gunmaster45 Gunmaster45 is offline
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Knob Creek is utterly the shit. I have to go there with my dad at least once in my life.

P.S. 600th post! Yay, I have no life...
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Old 05-30-2009, 05:43 AM
ManiacallyChallenged ManiacallyChallenged is offline
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I wanna go.
Also congrats GM! You have a life, it's just all in electronic-data. When the zombie apocalypse happens, you will cease to exist once the internet goes down.
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Old 05-31-2009, 02:47 AM
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Gunmaster45 Gunmaster45 is offline
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No I'll be out with my guns reversing the apocalype. Feel free to join me.
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