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Old 01-26-2009, 09:22 PM
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Default Important POINTS for new members.......

With more and more new members updating this site, I'd like to make points of the following:

1) Keep it brief.
I fear the some new members are confusing IMFDB with GUN-Wiki or the Wikipedia clone of gun history. We don't need long winded histories of the firearms. You can put a LINK to another source for that. This is guns in MOVIES site. Not the unabridged history of the gun's roots, campaigns, usages, etc. Even Specs are questionable if they start taking too much room. Frankly I don't like scrolling down pages and pages to start seeing what movies the gun appeared in. Surely, you can write some info if the gun is semi obscure or some background info is important. But anything more than a brief overview is ... overkill.

Listing every variant ever made of the gun is unnecessary. Listing "some" multiple variations is acceptable if the public may be confused as to which gun appeared in which movie/tv/etc. But listing every obscure variation of a firearm, especially those which have NEVER appeared in any movie/tv/videogame/etc. is unnecessary. Again, we are not the FIREARMS trivia and history site. There are other sites for that depth of history and detail.

2) Let's put a Moratorium on NEW PAGES until the old ones are done...
One of the biggest complaints I hear on the net about IMFDB is that we have so many empty or lame pages. Well there are a handful of members who are working very hard to populate these pages with gun images, screengrabs and information. But it's like the ocean tide, it never stops. Now new pages are understandable, but we're fighting a losing battle of 'catching UP with completing so many of the pages that are already here'. Everyone should adopt an orphaned page (i.e. a page with NOTHING on it or very little on it) and try to help it along. I don't like having visitors randomly visiting movie pages only to see it with a few lame lines or nothing at all.

I am also tempted to remove pages with little or no guns in the movie at all. One has to ask "Will someone ... anyone ... ever wonder what guns were in this movie?" If there is only one gun or the firearms are rarely seen and have no real importance to the story, then why does that movie have a page at all? One should consider this before creating a new page.

3) Don't assume everyone knows your movie/tv title.
If the title is not universally known (like Saving Private Ryan, Indiana Jones, etc.) then put a few sentences as to what it is (especially obscure television shows). And how hard is it to post the movie/dvd poster for the show on the page so we can visually see what it is?

4) Learn how to use image correction software!

If you don't know Photoshop, there are tons of other software out there to fix images. We are seeing people uploading screengrabs that are over 1.5 Megabytes each and 1500 pixels wide. WTF? The average thumbnail of the screengrab on a page is 500px (though some members push it to 600 px), so the master image doesn't have to be bigger than most member's screens. Also files that big eat up tons of space on IMFDB's servers, thus slowing down the site. If you're wondering what I do, I make my master screengrab image about 700px wide and keep it below 300k in size. If there is important 'hard to see' information in the image then bigger is okay, but keep it within reason. That's my style choice, others have slightly different choices, but we're all about the same.

5) If the gun is based on another design, check on that page FIRST before you create a new page.
We see tons of new pages being built for guns already exist on other gun pages. These are descendants or variants of an older gun. IMFDB's protocol is that the original gun comes FIRST, and the other variations that stemmed from it are lower on the master page.

6) Images from Bootlegs are forbidden.

We've only recently seen multiple members trying to post illegal bootleg images. The images on pages for movies that have NOT been released on DVD yet are taken from publicly released publicity images or the high def trailers (all of which have been released to the public). I've even seen "Academy screener copy : Do not duplicate" watermarks on some images, which means they were stolen Academy screeners which is doubly bad. If you post bootleg images, an admin will ask you to remove them or we will. If we catch you continuing to post bootleg images, sadly, you will be banned along with the vandals and kooks. We don't need to give studio lawyers a reason to turn a negative eye towards this site.

7) Check, double check, triple check before you change another member's inputs to a page.
I know. We're all adults here, well most of us (there are quite a few minors who are active here), but edits to someone's page are welcome if they are correct. Obviously wrong info being edited onto pages what others have worked on, unfortunately tends to rub people the wrong way. So double, triple check and make sure you are right before changing someone else's info. It will keep ruffled feathers to a minimum and all of us appreciate when someone catches an error we made, since it all works towards making the site that much better.

A final notations on some of my 'summaries'. I've strayed from these rules only a few times, primarily because of the preponderance of 'urban myths' that I see on the web. Falsehoods regarding which federal law banned what gun and when it was available for sale, muddies the waters of the gun's movie history, since a weapon cannot be seen in any film 'before' it was offered for sale, and becomes increasingly rarer after it has stopped production. Shooting down falsehoods on the Internet is justifiable (like people saying the "Brady Bill banned the Import of the Steyr AUG, and other such nonsense" (Fact: The AUG/SA was banned from further import by the ATF years before the 1993 Brady Bill even existed)). I just noted that, if persons wondered why I put in some 'political history' notes in some pages.
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Old 01-27-2009, 02:46 AM
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Nice're WAY more articulate than I am on a lot of these points.

Speaking of which...I still haven't figured out how I want to present the rules for new users. I thought about a link on the main page...what do you say?
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Old 02-12-2009, 05:40 AM
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8) Bad screengrabs CAN be replaced by better shots.
If your screengrab is squished (uncorrected anamorphic image) or has black bars on the top and bottom or is really off color (i.e. greenish or pinkish hue), don't be surprised if someone either corrects it or replaces the image with a newer and better one. Don't take it personally. Of course it is wrong to replace a clear screengrab with a blurrier or lower resolution one (don't think I'm nuts. It HAS happened.....)

9) Fictional Firearms must be based in reality.
Anything that is obviously fake or fantasy does not merit it's own page (however it can have an entry on the show's page). For example: Star Trek can have an entry for the numerous live guns that have appeared on the show, BUT, there is no place for a Hirogen hunting rifle or a Ferengi disrupter or a Type II phaser because the public will never wonder if these are real weapons.

A Fictional firearm must be one of the following:
a) A fictional weapon built on a real one. (Examples: The Aliens M41A Pulse rifle or the Starship Troopers Morita rifle).
b) A hypothetical weapon that could exist in real life (Example: the Composite gun in "In the Line of Fire" or the rogue sniper rifle in "Wanted")
c) A fictional gun that the public could 'think' exists in the real world ... but does not (Example: the Samaritan from "Hellboy", the Codpiece Revolver from "Desperado")

Sci Fi weapons that are particle beam or energy weapons are not allowed. No Space 1999 "Staple gun" laser pistols, No Star Trek Phasers, No Star Wars LightSabres, etc. etc. If it is obviously a fabricated scifi fantasy weapon, then it does NOT merit it's own page. This is not the Fanboy scifi space or fantasy weapon site. Sorry.

10) If the gun has not appeared in anything, it does not deserve a page.
This applies to all those obscure or the latest cutting edge weapons or unusual frontline weapons from other countries, that no Armorer that I know of has access to. Now when it appears in something, THEN make a page for it. Making more and more pages for guns that have not appeared in any movie, television show, video game or anime is just cluttering the site. I don't want members to have to wade through NON-relevant pages to find the information they are looking for. This is NOT the Gun-pedia or History of the Guns of the world site. If the weapon has no ties to movies or other entertainment media, it doesn't belong here. Sorry.

This one may be controversial, since I have posted pages for Blank adapted guns that are in active movie Armorer inventories, but have not appeared in a film that I can verify yet. I did this because it is much more likely that they will or already have appeared and thought that having good pics of them will help members identify them when they are being used. If members think I should, I can delete my own gun pages if they think it is hypocritical.

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Old 02-12-2009, 05:48 AM
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I like!

Should we just make a page for this now? I've been holding off long enough, and yours is better-written.

We can edit the Main Page and link to it from there.
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Old 02-18-2009, 06:29 AM
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Default Stop the spoilers

Here is one that has been bothering me for a while and may cause some friction between me and other admins/mods....

11) No Spoilers
There is always a way to phrase a sentence or select your screen grabs where the gun is showcased but IMPORTANT PLOT TWISTS are not revealed. The page is about what gun appeared in what film .... NOT some important plot point that 'character A shoots Character B with it who turns out to be his long lost twin brother and the father of the baby he left on the carousel thinking that it was a discarded burrito ... oh and Character A is dying of cancer and he doesn't know it yet. " Look. We don't need a rehashing of the entire movie to see that a certain gun was used in the movie. Some reveals are acceptable, but important twists or secrets or reveals should remain unspoiled for those visitors who happen to see a page.
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Old 02-19-2009, 10:36 PM
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12) Title formatting suggestons....
(a) in the case of both a video game and a movie having the exact same title If the movie came first, (i.e. The Punisher, etc.) the film gets the unmodified title. The Video game is listed as the title PLUS (VG) to denote "Video Game". If the Video Game came first (Far Cry, Doom, etc.) the movie is modified to place the year of American Release in parentheses, i.e. (Far Cry (2009)) for the movie version.
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Old 02-20-2009, 11:01 PM
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Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 View Post
12) Title formatting suggestons....
(a) in the case of both a video game and a movie having the exact same title If the movie came first, (i.e. The Punisher, etc.) the film gets the unmodified title. The Video game is listed as the title PLUS (VG) to denote "Video Game". If the Video Game came first (Far Cry, Doom, etc.) the movie is modified to place the year of American Release in parentheses, i.e. (Far Cry (2009)) for the movie version.
Same case when discussing remakes versus originals. The original should just have the regular title, while the remake should have the date in the title. Like, "War of the Worlds" (George Pal's 1953 version) and "War of the Worlds (2005)" (Steven Spielberg's version).
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Old 04-04-2009, 11:12 AM
Orca1_9904 Orca1_9904 is offline
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13) Stay within the scope of the site! This is the International Movie FIREARMS DataBase. True, some non-gun weapons such as the "sticky bomb" from Saving Private Ryan or Molotov cocktails in countless other films have been adde, but users should strongly avoid entries for things such as hand to hand melee weapons. Bayonets and the like are acceptable so long as they're mentioned with the weapon they're mounted on in a particular appearance, but DO NOT make entries or articles for these weapons by themselves!
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Old 04-04-2009, 05:20 PM
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Good point Orca, it's been bugging me for a while that just because it's a backup weapon in Resident Evil 5 that the Mercworx Goliath knife gets it's own page on this site. While I do like the game and it has such little seen and cool guns like the .50BMG GAU-19/A. we are not a knife catilog.
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Old 04-24-2009, 09:27 PM
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So when are these rules going to be formally listed somewhere?

It would surely help us new members.
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