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Old 05-25-2009, 09:08 PM
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Default Your Loadout for a Red Dawn Style invasion.

Well, theres zombies, so how about a scenario where theres chinese landing craft or blue-helmeted paratroopers? What would your loadout be? Ive ot to think mine through....anyone know yours?
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Old 05-25-2009, 09:43 PM
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Seems like a moot point. Now that Marxist-Leninism and "national liberation" ideologies have gone out of fashion in the Third World, I don't expect a "Red Dawn"-style invasion to occur anytime soon. The Islamists, the current threat to the West, tend to "invade" by emigrating to Western countries, using their high birth rates to pop out lots of kids who get raised on jihadist propaganda, and then sending them off to bomb subways.

That's what "invasions" are like nowadays; you're fighting against the demographics of your country's population, not guys in uniforms riding in BMPs and Mi-24s.
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Old 05-25-2009, 09:47 PM
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BTW, if history has proven anything about U.N. "peacekeepers", it's that they cower in bunkers and stand around doing nothing in the countries that they "invade". The only "loadout" you would need for a U.N. invasion is rice - that way you can bribe all the starving African rag-tag "soldiers" who make up typical U.N. "forces" into leaving you alone.

I know it's romantic and cool to dream about being like the Wolverines in "Red Dawn" for many in the pro-RKBA community, but unfortunately for you, (1.) that kind of shit doesn't happen anymore, and (2.) guerrilla warfare is a really nasty, awful experience for the insurgents.
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Old 05-25-2009, 09:55 PM
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To be fair, this is a fun what-if and i dont expect an invasion of coies any more than I do a zombie apocalypse....this post is for fun.
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Old 05-25-2009, 09:59 PM
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Originally Posted by k9870 View Post
To be fair, this is a fun what-if and i dont expect an invasion of coies any more than I do a zombie apocalypse....this post is for fun.
True. Unfortunately for me, I can no longer think of "Red Dawn"-type scenarios as escapist fantasy anymore. As you can imagine, I have trouble enjoying movies these days.

Anyway, if I were an insurgent dealing with a Chinese invasion, I would most likely be using whatever weaponry I could pick up along the way. But I wouldn't expect to be doing much shooting. As Iraq has shown us, there's really not much point in using the AK or RPG when you've got IEDs. They're hard to detect, hard to defend against, and best of all, they're impersonal - you don't have to be close to the target to use them. In other words, a guerrilla's best friend.

So, long story short, I'd be thinking about how to perfect my IED game instead of worrying about whether I was using an AK or an M4 to fight the Chinese. I would be figuring out how to AVOID having to get involved in shootouts with better-armed and numerically-superior Chinese troops, and small-arms simply don't allow that.

Last edited by MT2008; 05-25-2009 at 10:03 PM.
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Old 05-25-2009, 10:11 PM
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I wouldn't use IEDs really, too likely to hurt innocent people.

Id take out soldiers at long rang and evade after 1 shot to keep from being detected. A military force would wreck you at close range.

Now that i think of it, lure them into traps that would only hurt them and not civilians. Lots of woods and trails, have them climb a trap filled mountain.
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Old 05-25-2009, 10:21 PM
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Originally Posted by k9870 View Post
I wouldn't use IEDs really, too likely to hurt innocent people.
Then you're probably too squeamish to take part in a guerrilla war. Though I think that tends to characterize Americans, and anyone in the West, in general...

Originally Posted by k9870 View Post
Id take out soldiers at long rang and evade after 1 shot to keep from being detected. A military force would wreck you at close range.

Now that i think of it, lure them into traps that would only hurt them and not civilians. Lots of woods and trails, have them climb a trap filled mountain.
Good luck. Not only would you have to be quite well-trained, but you'd have to be willing to survive out in the woods in hiding. And I doubt you're ready for that. I know I'm sure as fuck not.

The whole point of being a guerrilla is to blend in with the civilian population. The ones that can't do this are the least successful. Nobody wants to live in the woods because (A.) those are extremely harsh conditions to endure, and (B.) It makes no sense from a tactical point of view.

Guerrillas don't care about civilians getting injured or killed. They like this because it tends to radicalize the locals and win them over to their cause. It may be immoral, but in pure military terms, it makes the most sense.
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Old 05-26-2009, 12:29 AM
ManiacallyChallenged ManiacallyChallenged is offline
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I'll agree with the brute force of the IED.
The ultimate fire and forget weapon, you place it and leave. It will wait as long as it has to.
As scary and sad as the situation is with our soldiers facing those, I have to be a little impressed. Just like the Japanese in WW2, and the US in the revolutionary war, tactics that are unorthodox can do real damage.
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Old 05-26-2009, 01:32 AM
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Originally Posted by ManiacallyChallenged View Post
I'll agree with the brute force of the IED.
The ultimate fire and forget weapon, you place it and leave. It will wait as long as it has to.
As scary and sad as the situation is with our soldiers facing those, I have to be a little impressed. Just like the Japanese in WW2, and the US in the revolutionary war, tactics that are unorthodox can do real damage.
Exactly. IEDs just make way more sense from a guerrilla's point of view. There's less risk of getting caught. And even though the jihadists want to die ASAP so they can get their 70 virgins, they're still smart enough to understand how much better IEDs work for their purposes, even compared to suicide bombers. Suicide bombers look scarier on the news to civilians, but I'm pretty sure IEDs are what soldiers in combat fear more.
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Old 05-26-2009, 01:44 AM
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Watch your step.
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