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Old 04-22-2011, 05:19 PM
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Maria looked over the doors of the VW Safari that she had stored in Mexico. She had driven it out into the desert again and had dug up her guns. It wasn't that she wanted to kill again it was the fact that someone was threatening her friend. She didn't delude herself that everything would turn out alright. There was a very large chance that things were going to get bloody and she wanted to be ready for it. The thought of simply settling down someplace where noone knew her, getting fat and having lots of kids was a wonderful thought but it just wasn't practical. Still she had invited Johnny to dinner and a movie and he had accepted. her plan on how to get multiple, highly illegal firearms into the US was simple. Volkswagons at least the older models are so well made they float on water. If she got caught by Immigration and Customs Enforcement then she was caught. Usually Illegals were first detected by FLIR cameras and then live officers were directed into the area. Then there was Roving patrols, which radioed in their positions useing coded phrases. Maria had the codes given to her by a bribed officer. It seemed that the Cute little 19 year old College freshman who took the officer back to her place was really a 17 year old illegal with an apartment wired for sound. She knew that she was useing the man for her own gains. Still if she got the chance she was going to give the man the tapes once his usefulness was over. His usefullness ending when the man retired or was sent to prison on coruption charges. Stil she waited for the roving patrol to pass her position and get a couple miles down the road before she turned on her engine and headed into the river.

With the moon only a sliver the far bank was only a dark shadow even though it was much narrower than most people would bee like swimming across an olympic sized pool. Maria didn't know how to swim but she was putting her trust in the German engineers who designed the car and the silicone caulking that she put around every seam in the bodywork she could find. Still with the load the Safari was carrying she watched the water rise along the side of the door. Slowly the water inched up the side of the doway until there was about six inches between the water and the top of the Safari's doors. Still the air cooled engine sputtered along and the sand tires acted like paddles as the Safari imitated a boat delivering illicit cargo to a hostile shore. She missed her planned exit of the river and found a second several hundred yards down river. Gunning the engine Maria guided the Safari up the bank of the river and into a stand of trees. Stopping the car she got out and walked to the front of the car. from her purse she took out her smartphone and closed one eye. She keyed up the video camera and it's options and chose the nightvison setting. carfully she paced out the next hundred yards of woods. returning to her Safari she heard a rustling in the underbrush. freezing Maria slowly crouched down and listened to the sound trying to locate it. Soon she heard other sounds, grunting, squeeling and the clacking of tusks.

Maria had stopped in the middle of a pack of wild hogs. ICE would have been bad enough as she could always turn back into Mexico and try again latter. Wild hogs were a whole different matter as they were several times her size, territorial and she was unarmed. Normally animals didn't bother Maria and Maria returned the favor. Pigs were pigs and maria didn't get along with pigs unless they were roasting on a spit. Still she got up and slowly walked calmly to the Safari. Lumping over the side she reached over and slipped the shotgun out of it's bag. The shotgun was a Remington Model 870 with pistol grips, top folding stock and the barrel cut back to a meer 14 inches. It was a compact weapon that was currently loaded with a tube of 00 buckshot. Slugs would be much better for takeing the fight out od a pissed off and possibly hungry pig.

Turning the key Maria slipped the car in gear and crept along the trail she had scouted. Once out of the trees she headed north until she encountered a road. She then turned west and kept going until she heard on the radio that a roving patrol was heading her way. Carefully she turned off the road and into a wash and around a bend. Jumping out of the car she took a broom and returned to the road and swept away her tracks. it wouldn't do in the daylight against a skilled tracker but at night it might work. Still she waited behind a rock to observe La Migra making it's rounds.

The SUV slowly made it's way along the road and crept past Maria's position. She scrunched down against the ground while the vehicle passed. it was amazing what being small and quiet would do for you. Wearing an earthtone hoodie didn't hurt eather. When the vehicle disapeared down the road Maria got up and after listening to the patrols for a bit got back into her Safari and headed to an abandoned housing development in El Paso where she would hide the Safari and the guns.

Johnny looked at the pile of Chinese food on Maria's plate. He looked down at his own plate as he slipped a pair of chopsticks into his hand. As he poped a piece of chicken into his mouth Maria looked at him.

"Johnny how do you use chopsticks?" She asked sheepishly.

"Wait a minute you don't know how to use chopsticks." Johnny answers. "Take one stick and put it in the web of your hand like so. Then place the shaft on your ring fingernail. Use your middle finger to hold it in place. Use your thumb to hold the other stick against your index finger and use that finger to open and close the chopsticks."

"Like this?" Maria asks holding up her hand and trying to click the sticks together.

"Hold on." Johnny says before correcting her grip. "There you go with practice you should be able to eat rice like that."

The pair ate and quietly made small talk. Johnny kept finding his sky blue eyes drawn to Maria's emerald green eyes. under the table they seemed to keep bumping each others feet. For the pair it seemed that Love was in the air. Johnny paid the bill and the pair left the resterant.

"Johnny I really enjoyed the dinner." Maria said snuggling closer to Johnny.

"I did too." Johnny said looking down on the petite girl. "Now we could go see that movie..."

"Johnny." Maria inturupts him. "Does the rear seats of your Suburban fold flat?"

"Yeah...why." Johnny answers right before Maria kisses him on the lips.

Maria blushes and then says. "Forget the movie I wanna just kiss you forever."

"Don't you think that you are moving a little fast there?" Johnny asks. "What if I'm not looking for a girlfriend?"

"Johnny, I know about Amber and what happened to her. I'm not asking you to 'move on'. I don't have any desire to replace her." Maria says. "She is Tu Amore, your love. I have no right to try and take her place. After Mi Madre was murdered one of Mi Padre's girlfriends tried to act like my mother. I hated her guts and I was really happy when Mi Padre finally dumped her ass. As you said My life is mone to live and so your life is yours to live. I want to spend time with you because you make me feel safe and happy even though I know we arn't."

Johnny slipped his arms around Maria and stroked her nice firm curves. "What if I brought home strange girls to sleep with al the time when I wasn't tieing you down and beating you?"

"Juan would have other girls all the time and he was the one to take a whip to my back." Maria says looking down then stepping closer to Johnny. "You are much different than him. You care about the girls you are around. Even though you are a killer, we feel safe with you next to us. I wouldn't mind the rough stuff with you as I know it would be in fun and I'll be ok afterwards. As far as other girls go....If we are lovers, I'll probably have to share you just to give myself a chance to recover from something of that size."

Johnny leaned down and kissed Maria again. "I haven't even made out with you and we are already lovers. My the sunday confessions you must have."

"I shot the Padre." Maria said flatly.
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Old 04-28-2011, 09:25 PM
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Alejandro Villamor watched the US border patrol vehicle bounce along a rutted dirt track. The two man vehicle partol was traveling west bound about 100m into the US. His hide was a good 300m inside Mexico and outside the jurisdiction of the border agents. He had dug out a shallow trench overlooking the roadway on a small hill. this he covered in a chickenwire frame that supported a canvas tarp. the tarp was covered in dirt and small vegitation. This left him with a small slit to look out and fire from. He was going to make $30,000 for a weeks worth of work. The cartels did pay good money for the murder of honest US Border Patrol Agents.

Earlier that week he had slipped over the border and planted a series of nailbombs hooked up to timers along the stretch of road he was watching. The bombs made out of cans of beans were timed to go off next to the partol vehicle. While the individual agents wanted to do their patrols in armor plated vehicles the truth was that the US government just didn't have the money for that kind of equipment. The small nailbomb he had built would be enough to immobalize the vehicle without damaging it too much. He wanted to get ahold of the electronics inside the vehicle so simply blowing it off the road in a fireball was out. So he had to disable the vehicle while in a radio deadzone. The radios in the vehicle could be jammed but that would take a vehicle with enough powerful radios to override the SOS, and that would call atention to the area as well. As his personal weapon he was useing a Kimber model 8400 Tactical Rifle in .308 and backing it up was a Smith & Wesson M&P in .40S&W. He didn't nessisaraly need to shoot the agents, no matter how they died it would work for his plan.
The chosen ambush point was along a bank that would be hard to climb and more importantly hard for the gringos to escape his bullets. The nailbomb blew in a cloud of dust and destroyed the right front tire of the vehicle. The vehicle swerved into the bank and stalled out. Villamor snugged the rifle butt into his shoulder and took aim for the drivers door. The Agent tried to get out of what had turned into a deathtrap, he forced the door open and jumped out of the vehicle. Villamor squeezed the trigger and sent a 180 grain bullet into the man's chest. The agent's vest slowed down the bullet but couldn't stop it, leaving the agent with a sucking chest wound. He watched the Driver's partner drop out of the vehicle and behind the right rear tire. the man was useing it as cover while he found Villamor. Villamor watched as the agent moved around the vehicle to help his wounded partner. That's when Villamore shot the agent in the head before finishing off his wounded partner.

Crawling out of his Hide, Villamore drug with him a tire monted on a packframe. His plan was to replace the damaged tire and drive the vehicle into Mexico. It would buy him some time and take advantage of the horrible political relationship between the US and Mexico. Usually it put what should have been strong allies at each other's throats but it did have some advantages. His weapons were a biproduct of project Gunwalker where BATFE agents allowed Mexican Gunrunners to buy US weapons so that theoretically they could be traced to varous druggangs. The reality was that the weapons were out of control as soon as they left the gunshops. It was ironic that several of those firearms were linked to the murders of US law enforcement agents. On the mexican side of the border corruption was rampant and the powers in visible control of the country wanted the US to become part of mexico rather than deal with their own problems. In all it created a fouled up mess of things.
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Old 04-28-2011, 10:46 PM
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So why is he killing them? I know hes a bad guy and all but isnt a low profile desired?
"I don't need luck, I have ammo!"

Grunt, Mass effect 3
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Old 04-28-2011, 11:48 PM
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In Real Life, there are Cartel bounties on US Law Enforcement. Villamore killed the two Officers to collect the bounty on US LEOs. Plus by crossing the border he is causeing an international incident at a time and a place where the two countries are not co-operating against a common the cartels. I'm not saying more because it will give away the plot too much.
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Old 05-10-2011, 06:49 AM
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When he reached his vehicle he stoped and got out. Stretching he got out of the boarder patrol vehicle and walked to the back of his own. Inside was a toolkit and civilian model radios similar to the ones the Border patrol used. Working with practiced efficiecy he swapped out the radios. With the radios switched he then took out a five gallon can of gasoline. With care not to splash himself Villamore enshured that the radio would be badly damaged by the fire. He set the vehicle ablaze and was driving away when his phone rang.

"Buenos Dias." Villamore answered.

"Mi Amigo." a Familiar voice responded. "I have need of your survaces again. This time it's for a personal problem."

"I'll be at the usual place in two days." Villamore answered. The caller was Juan Tomasa, a well paying client even if he was a hot headed little punk.


Ranger Michael Chandler walked up to the two story house at the end of the culdesack. The lawn was freshly mowed and the shrubbery was neatly trimmed. In the drive was a Mustang from the early 2000s and parked in the street was a tan collored GMC Suburban. he pulled into the driveway, parked his Dodge Charger and put a Rattlesnake hide cowboy boot onto the concrete. The boots were a gift from his nephew who had collected the hides himself. Unfortunatly that nephew had gotten himself into trouble and now he was going to deliver a message.

Pete hear the doorbell ring and got up off the couch to open the door. Standing there was a western man from his snakeskin boots, jeans, wester shirt and stetson. The man also had a badge and a gun on his belt making him a cop. The man was also Johnny's uncle and Pete hoped that the visit was social. "Good afternoon Ranger Chandler, Johnny's in the kitchen. Come right in and make yourself at home."

Chandler looked around the high ceilinged main room and noticed a small teenage girl sitting on a couch reading some graphic novel called "The Couriers" that had a swarthy male and a caucasian female with a revolver on the cover. He noted that the girl wasn't one of Pete's employees and turned and walked past the office, the stairs up and the wetbar before turning left into the kitchen. Johnny was mixing up a Whiskey Habanero marinade for some steaks. "Johnathan we need to talk about those bikers you got into trouble with."

"Uncle Mike!" Johnny exclaimed as he put down a mixer and bowl. "I didn't hear you come in but if it's about 'Los Diablos', then it's going to be business and probably bad."

"For you it's going to be great news." Chandler replies. "Someone hit the Diablos while they were having Church at their clubhouse. Used about a half dozen IRA style homemade mortars and leveled the place."

Johnny stopped and thought for a second about what Uncle Mike had said. Someone had found out when all of the Diablos were meeting at their headquarters and had then blown them all up. While there were other groups who used Homemade Mortars the IRA had a style and a way of making the devices. If it did have their style to it he knew who to ask about such things. "Maria, we need to talk to you about a bombing!"

Maria looked up from reading about Moustafa and Special shoot up an airport getting away from Triad Hitters. She had discovered Brian Wood's "Couriers" series in a bargan bin and was instantly hooked on it. It was funny how people in various illegal occupations liked reading or watching stories about their line of work. Just look at Scarface or the Mexican ballads about the cartel kingpins. Having a cop just walk into Johnny's place had made her nervous but since pete seemed to know him she had relaxed. Which was why when Johnny yelled for her to come talk to him about a bombing she jumped about a foot off the couch and came running. "I didn't do it! I know nothing about it! Why are you blaiming me for something I didn't do?"

"Maria, calm down I know you didn't mortar the Diablos." Johnny said trying to calm down Maria. He knew for a fact that she hadn't blown up the bikers but from her reaction he just knew that she had been planning something eminantly fatal for them. "Uncle Mike here, just told me that someone wiped them out with an IRA style improvised mortar. Since you dad was an active member and you picked up some things...I was wondering if your dad had any friends or students who could do something like that?"

"Johnny, you said he's your uncle and he's obviously important to you but I just can't help the cops period." Maria states. "Dad has made a mortar once but it's not his style. He's more bullets and placed bombs."

"Maria, is it?" Chandler asks. "How deep into the cartels are you?"

"Was." Maria answers. "Too deep to be at my age. I'm trying to get out and go legitimate. I mean there's a big difference between making $100 a day and making $100,000 a day. Hell, I shouldn't even bee seen in the same area code as Texas Ranger Michael Chandler."

"You know of me?" Chandler asks.

"I knew the guy who was going to try and collect the standing $100,000 bounty on your head." Maria explains looking right into Chandler's eyes. "He messed with the wrong person and got turned into a quadraplegic."

"And now you are hanging out with my nephew." Chandler says. He was familiar with the standing bounty on his head. It had started out as the usual cartel bounty on Law enforcement officers but had grown a he had made arrests and seasures of cartel assets. "Should I be worried about him?"

"He is my friend and I don't want to bring my problems down on his head as he collects his own problems."
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Old 05-18-2011, 07:19 AM
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I know I've written around 30 pages of this story and I was wondering how many people around here enjoy it and should I keep posting sections here?
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Old 05-24-2011, 07:53 AM
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"He is my friend and I don't want to bring my problems down on his head as he collects his own problems." Maria answers. "It's like he has that infamous Chinese curse about leading an interesting life.You are his kin so you are supost to worry about him."

"Are you still involved with the cartels?"

"I've left a cartel. But I'm sure I already have a greenlight on my head for as long as the cartel can pay." Maria replies. "Not that I expect the cartel to survive for much longer. I wish I could tell you why but I really shouldn't."

Johnny watches Maria grab a bottle of Coca Cola and go back to reading her graphic novel. He knew that Maria was telling the truth about wanting to talk to his uncle. They had talked about Maria's nightmares and the acts that caused them. "Uncle Mike, I asked Maria over here because her father is a known Narco-Terrorist with knowledge of constructing such devices. Personally she would be a suspect in destroying those bikers except that she doesn't know how to weild or machine well enough to make a device. Still I was hoping that she would be willing to give a clue inadvertantly."

"Johnny, you had better watch trying to use a girl like that." Ranger Chandler admonishes his nephew. "That's not how you treat a friend."

Maria watched Ranger Chandler drive off out of the culdisack. There were things that she really wished that she could have told him. Information that would lead to where the bodies of people were disposed of. Families would no longer have to wonder what happened to their relatives. It was an all too common occurance in the drug trade. A hit team would kidnap and murder someone. Or they would ambush a car full of people because the perso looked like a rival smuggler or the car looked like a rival smugglers vehicle. What the cartels did to snitches would make Torqumada queesy and the Spanish Inquisitor was know to torture hundreds of people. Finally she spoke. "Johnny, I know you were just trying to help your uncle. Please don't ask me to talk to him about work. I have my reasons for not talking to him and I think you know that."

Johnny sat on the couch on the opposit side as Maria. He looked at her and said. "You are right when I said I was trying to help my uncle. Him and my Aunt are the only real family I have. You know that my dad's been in prison since I was a todler, uncle Mike was the person who raised me. You can understand why I asked you if you knew something."

"You have family that not only admits that you exist but they care about your existance." Maria says scooting beside Johnny. "I've never had that and I can understand why it's important to you."

Johnny put his hands on Maria's shoulders and gave them a quick squeeze. It brought a reashured smile to the small girl's lips. "I'll take you home if you want."

"I'd like that." Maria answers and takes Johnny's hand. he led her to his Suburban and helped her in. he walked around to the drivers side and got in. Taking off Maria turned the audio system to Static X. After a while Maria turned the Stereo off and asked Johnny a Question. "Johnny, with your contacts in Law Enforcement how hard would it be for you to locate someone?"

"Depends on if they are in the US or not and if they are conected to any criminal activity...why?"

"About six months back I picked up a guys's wallet and I want to send it to the next of kin." Maria replies.

"You feel guilty about it?" Johnny asks.

"The guy was only looking for you daughter who disappeared." Maria answers. "He tracked her to Juan and Juan had him carved up like a turkey. It's been one of those things that keep me awake at night."

"So why not go to a church and confess?" Johnny asks. "You are catholic arn't you?"

"Faith is only a comfort if you have any Johnny. I've lost my faith in the Catholic Church and the people behind it. I've been to church almost every sunday of my life and so has my dad and Juan's family. You have a group of people who smuggle, rob, steal, kill, and trafic in human beings for six days out of the week and Going to a building on the seventh and donating blood money is supost to make everything kosher again. No Johnny Fuck that and Fuck their god." Maria says venomisly. "You have an organization that is suposedly dedicated to the betterment of mankind by following the guidelines put forth by the creator of the universe. Insted they are in bed with men who's only goal is to become undescribably rich off the misery of others. If Juan and his ilk are getting into Heven I would much rather sell my soul to the devil so at least I get some nice lingure and silk sheets when i spend an eturnity as a Succubi's plaything."
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Old 05-27-2011, 07:04 AM
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Now as I know that some of you do read this. I would like some comments on an upcomming adversary...

El Monsturo
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Old 05-27-2011, 09:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Rockwolf66 View Post
Now as I know that some of you do read this. I would like some comments on an upcomming adversary...

El Monsturo
It can hold 12 people and can reach 68mph? With those facts in mind, and from the picture they show of it, I get the impression "The Monster '11" (not a very original name in my opion) has pretty light armor. Give the border patrols AT4s or possibly even an M2HB .50 cal and it would be pretty easy to take down compared to most tanks or APCs.

I can't tell for sure, but the inflated rim on the bottom of the vehicle looks like that of a hovercraft vehicle. Is this supposed to be able to glide over mines?
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Old 05-28-2011, 01:36 AM
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Yeah it's lightly armored. Basically it's an armored body bolted to a truck frame. Similar vehicles have been designed and built for security use and those can stop 7.62 Soviet and possibly NATO rounds. You are quite right about an AT4 or a M2HB shreading such vehicles.

What makes them so dangerous is the simple fact that until resently Drug Gangs did not use armored vehicles designed for combat. Sure they used armored limos and SUVs, but they did not use armored vehicled designed to attack other gangs and/or the police.

For people who are not prepared to face armor such a vehicle is a real killing machine. Now I am sure that in places the border patrol would love to patrol in APCs but politically that is not viable unless things get alot worse.
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