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Old 05-26-2013, 07:37 AM
Mazryonh Mazryonh is offline
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Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 View Post
Not being a U.S. Citizen has nothing to do with being oblivious to what a "Hollywood Liberal" is. All one has to do is do things like watch the news, or read the newspaper. Meeting them in person is very instructive, but you don't have to physically be in contact with them to know the type. To not know, implies that a person is being what is called a 'low information voter', i.e. someone who does not keep up with politics, national news, international news, etc. Gotta be careful not to appear like that.
As I am not a US Citizen nor do I reside in the US, I can't vote in US elections either, so you can rest easy I don't "pollute the process" with an "uninformed vote."

Last I checked, the term "Hollywood Liberal" appears to be bandied around most often in US conservative media pundits and news agencies. I don't normally partake of the likes of Rush Limbaugh or Fox News, which explains why I haven't heard of the term much before, but it's still too easy to brand someone you don't agree with whatever epithet you want than to engage their arguments and work through them in a rational, civilized, manner. I'm more of a realist though, and don't feel the need to turn every place into my speaking hall as you imply that "Hollywood Liberals" do. To me, all that really matters for film set suppliers such as costumers, armourers, caterers, etc. is that they supply what's needed on time and on budget; their political views are immaterial to the task at hand, which is getting films made.

Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 View Post
You may show a stunningly professional attitude and demeanor when you're working. I can guarantee you that a majority of the human population does not.
I would have thought that "natural selection" in Hollywood should have weeded out those who can't stay professional enough to hold down good roles and a good reputation. You can't do those two if you're busy spouting your own ideology to everyone you meet on set.

Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 View Post
Again, Hollywood Liberals are insulated. They assume everyone around them has the same opinions.
I believe that's a tendency that can be found in everyone. We all gravitate to people who share the same opinions about certain issues that we do; the internet bears this out. We prefer media sources and the company of people who mirror our biases. And "mental insularity" isn't unique to any one position on the political spectrum.

Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 View Post
Yes, it would be nice to live in a world of the hypothetical. Production companies are responsible, but it's the stupid actors who don't care. Why? Because they themselves are never individually responsible for any damaged or destroyed props or weapons. Never. The production company ALWAYS picks up the tab.
I take it that in a less "star-studded" area, these actors would acquire a bad reputation and companies would refuse to work with them or supply prop firearms to them. The problem is that on the Hollywood sets, there's always someone else willing to work for that kind of money, right?
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Old 05-28-2013, 06:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Mazryonh View Post
As I am not a US Citizen nor do I reside in the US, I can't vote in US elections either, so you can rest easy I don't "pollute the process" with an "uninformed vote."
And that's a good thing, since you seem to be fixated on a view of the world that is not firmly based in the real world.
Originally Posted by Mazryonh View Post
I would have thought that "natural selection" in Hollywood should have weeded out those who can't stay professional enough to hold down good roles and a good reputation. You can't do those two if you're busy spouting your own ideology to everyone you meet on set.
How in the world did you come to THAT conclusion? What natural selection? WTF are you talking about? You're straying into POI or BRM territory with your obtuse conclusions. You CAN spout liberal ideology (or conservative) during breaks in filming. We don't suppress people's 1st amendment rights when they're NOT filming. You seem intent on proving something that just doesn't make any sense. A person can spout off all they want that they think guns should be banned on the set. If they don't PUBLICLY embarrass the production, then why would a production stop hiring them if they are a good actor or a good marquee draw?
Originally Posted by Mazryonh View Post
I take it that in a less "star-studded" area, these actors would acquire a bad reputation and companies would refuse to work with them or supply prop firearms to them. The problem is that on the Hollywood sets, there's always someone else willing to work for that kind of money, right?
If you're implying that I am some how 'whoring out' by taking their money, thanks for the comment. And yes, we have refused to provide guns to productions before. But that is not the point. You don't seem willing to advance any point other than your own twisted view of a 'perfect workplace' which doesn't exist. So I'm done here
The trouble is, one requires a specific thing to understand Liam, that thing being "serious head injuries." (Evil Tim 09-09-2011)
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Old 05-28-2013, 07:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Mazryonh View Post
Last I checked, the term "Hollywood Liberal" appears to be bandied around most often in US conservative media pundits and news agencies.
It's just as frequently used by left-wing critics of Hollywood to describe an attitude that says big business is bad with a multi-million dollar movie and sees no inherent contradiction in doing so.

Originally Posted by Mazryonh View Post
To me, all that really matters for film set suppliers such as costumers, armourers, caterers, etc. is that they supply what's needed on time and on budget; their political views are immaterial to the task at hand, which is getting films made.
I'm sure movie producers would be very happy to find whatever supply of apolitical, perfectly logical robot crew members you're talking about, but in they end they have to work with actual human beings. They are professionals but they are not all professionals about it. This is called life. Being a realist does not mean you assume everyone else is one too, that's still idealism.

Originally Posted by Mazryonh View Post
I would have thought that "natural selection" in Hollywood should have weeded out those who can't stay professional enough to hold down good roles and a good reputation.
In the end if they do a good enough job and aren't so annoying the rest of the team try to murder them on set, the producers aren't going to care if they cause a bit of friction. A job is not a Miss America contest, you don't have to try to make everyone like you to get ahead. If you hired a plumber, would you ask them to make sure they sent one who didn't have a reputation for grumbling about the weather? Do you check if you taxi driver is going to grumble about immigrants before you get in?

I mean let's face it, if "natural selection" in Hollywood worked like that, nobody would have let Alfred Hitchcock stick around and make films.

But if you are a taxi driver and have reason to believe you'll lose a fare if you say the wrong thing, wouldn't you try to, you know, not say the wrong thing rather than assume that your fare is a robot who won't react to you because you're still performing your driving function? Being cautious is hardly uncalled for when you're dealing with people who disagree strongly with you on many levels, might not be professional about it, and can take the food off your table if they aren't.

Last edited by Evil Tim; 05-28-2013 at 07:33 PM.
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