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Old 06-29-2010, 10:23 PM
PersonOfInterest PersonOfInterest is offline
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Originally Posted by Mazryonh View Post
Should there be a "probationary period" where new users have to first submit drafts for approval if they want to make new pages?
I've said this before, yes.
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Old 07-01-2010, 01:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Mazryonh View Post
Should there be a "probationary period" where new users have to first submit drafts for approval if they want to make new pages? That could prevent a lot of the junk pages from arising in the first place.

I hope that the entire Video Game category won't be jeapordized by the "couldn't care less crowd." I've put some work into it, and would hate to see it go to the cyberspace trash heap.
Nah, we don't need a probationary period. That would be too much bureaucracy for a Wiki. The only thing that we (the Admins) need to do is delete the pages that can't adhere to the rules and proper format. And if the person complains later, we can explain to them the error of their ways.

As for Video Games, yes, you've done many good pages, and I respect that. Unfortunately, many of the video game pages made by other users that I've seen are sub-standard.
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Old 07-01-2010, 05:59 PM
Jcordell Jcordell is offline
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Originally Posted by MT2008 View Post
Nah, we don't need a probationary period. That would be too much bureaucracy for a Wiki. The only thing that we (the Admins) need to do is delete the pages that can't adhere to the rules and proper format. And if the person complains later, we can explain to them the error of their ways.

As for Video Games, yes, you've done many good pages, and I respect that. Unfortunately, many of the video game pages made by other users that I've seen are sub-standard.
And that is why I began this thread. Lately there seems to be an abundance of sub-standard video game pages. No I'm not calling for a ban, but it's gotten a bit ridiculous. Perhaps the heavy volume is because it's summer and school is out for summer break? Of course that only covers the contributers from the United States. Anyway like I said I was venting, but evidently I touched a nerve as well.
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Old 07-01-2010, 08:27 PM
PersonOfInterest PersonOfInterest is offline
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Originally Posted by MT2008 View Post
Nah, we don't need a probationary period. That would be too much bureaucracy for a Wiki. The only thing that we (the Admins) need to do is delete the pages that can't adhere to the rules and proper format. And if the person complains later, we can explain to them the error of their ways.
Dealing with poor contributors on a case by case basis like that sounds like a lot of effort that might as well go towards preventing the problem from occurring in the first place. I'm not an admin so I don't know, but it seems to me that it would get tiresome constantly deleting pages, dealing with irate requests for explanation, and then giving the same answer repeatedly to people who most likely are going to either; ignore the explanation and continue being poor contributors until they get banned, or just give up and never come back.
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Old 07-01-2010, 10:44 PM
Mazryonh Mazryonh is offline
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Originally Posted by Checkman View Post
And that is why I began this thread. Lately there seems to be an abundance of sub-standard video game pages. No I'm not calling for a ban, but it's gotten a bit ridiculous. Perhaps the heavy volume is because it's summer and school is out for summer break? Of course that only covers the contributers from the United States. Anyway like I said I was venting, but evidently I touched a nerve as well.
Well, since there's no way to tell just who's been viewing a page who hasn't edited it, I had no idea whether or not you've been looking at the pages I've created or majorly contributed to. I would like to think that there are more video game page contributors and creators like myself out here on this wiki who make honest efforts for this category.

Still, sometimes I'm a little disappointed at the lack of "wiki magic" here on what seems to be an increasingly popular site. Of course, it could be the fact that the games I've made pages/majorly contributed for are either older or less popular, so less people know about them and are less likely to contribute. One of my later pages for No One Lives Forever still has aspects about its firearms I can't figure out, but no one seems to look around there, and I don't want to annoy the admins of this site to come look at my pages specifically and possibly lose my account.

I wonder if that bodes ill for pages of less-known games. I've got a nice page lined up for an older survival horror title that features flintlock muskets and an old snubnose top-break revolver, but if no one's going to help identify them I'm not sure I should spend the time and effort. It seems the only games that get good "wiki magic" here are the ones with "Resident," "Call," "Battlefield," and the like.
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