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Old 04-16-2010, 01:07 AM
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Her first stop was the bathroom.Knocking open the faucet, she started scrubbing the blood off her hands. She had known Juan for over a decade and until a year ago they had been very close. She started to smile at the thought of his gentile hands carressing her young body. The smile stopped as a hand touched her shoulder.

"Don Tomasa." Maria said coldly. "There has been alot of bad blood between Juan and myself. It's been spilt and we are even now. He was once my friend and after i get him to the hospital, I'm going my own way."

"You're going nowhere." Don Tomasa ordered as he grabbed Maria and forced her to face him. His dark eyes burned with anger as he looked into her dead, green, eyes. He raised a hand to slap her across the face. His hand stopped when he felt the barrel of a pistol plant itself under his chin.

"I know you are angry. I can understand why. But if you think for a second I am going to let you hit me, then you are a fucking dead man." Maria rasped her voice tight with a cold fury. She led him into her bedroom and had him stand in a corner while she typed in a destruct code into her computer. She had installed a very complex explosive/incendiary device into the desktop's tower. She then slipped on a daypack and escorted Don Tomasa out. "Twenty minutes or less until detonation." She warned him.

Maria had been planning to leave the cartel ever sinse the incident with juan. Now it was a race against time to see if she could gather up the elements to her escape plan before the cartel found her. She had no illusions as to what would happen if the found her, she had watched enough people turned into mutilated chunks of meat.

They walked peacefully downstairs and out the front door. She hoped that the peace would last long enough for her to get away from the mansion. A quick look at the Ruger Mini-14 rifles in the hands of the security staff sugested otherwise. Maria left Don Tomasa on the steps and walked to a waiting Cadillack SUV. She spoke to the driver of the vehicle while looking at Juan still unconsious in the back. "Get out, I'm takeing Juan to the hospital."

She watched the driver reach the steps when she heard it. It being the "Viipppp!" of a bullet just missing her head. She ducked as the report rolled into the yard as she dove into the SUV and exited the other side. Ducking behind a cressent shaped flower bed she road out the first hail of bullets. Raising the revolver she was carrying she fired off the cylinder at the security people. She saw at least one drop down bloody as she ducked back down. As she felt around herself for more ammo she cursed. "Shit I'm out."

Don Tomasa felt sorry for his friend Emon as the man would soon be burrying his daughter. He ordered his security staff to get the rebelious girl as his phone rang. It wasn't one of the ring tones that he usually used. Insted it was Gunnery Sgt. Hartman's voice telling him to "Sound off like you got a pair."
Disturbed by the penatration of his personal security he answered the phone. A young woman's voice answered with what sounded like a biblical passage. "The path of the righteous woman is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is she, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for she is truly her sister's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my sisters. And you will know my name is the Crone when I lay my vengeance upon thee."
Maria was watching the security step onto the driveway when help struck them down. With the sound of a giant pissed off rattlesnake a lead rain fell on them. She watched the tracers pass through them and bounce off the asphalt. The men didn't stand a chance against the hail of bullets. She looked up to see a manta like Remote Piloted Vehicle appear as if a mirage. She had talked about a program she had wacthed about camoflage with Dominique. She giggled at the use that her friend had found for it. As the RPV passedoverhead it launched a missile at the sniper. Maria had a glimpse of the man trying to run as he vanished in a puff of dust.
As the RPV blew the front gate off it's hinges, maria got up and calmly dusted herself off. She casually walked to the drivers door of the SUV. Looking up at a shaken Don Tomasa, She said. "That's just like a Columbian to simply blow the shit out of everything."
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Old 04-29-2010, 08:02 PM
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I think I'll use my assasin character in another of my stories. It's inspired by the film "The Limey". The Celt is now a retired hitman that used to work for the irish mob, and has found out that his girlfriend Courtney has been brutally raped and murdered. He's forced to come out of retirement and does an investagation of his own. He encounters a variety of characters including his former employer Sean Mulrooney, crackhead Miguel Lopez, pornographer Pete Smalls, and his two henchmen (nicknamed "Tweedledee" and "Tweedledum"). I'll replace his P239 with a Browning Hi-Power and his back up will be a Smith & Wesson Model 686 with a 3' inch barrel and Hogue rubber grips.
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Old 04-29-2010, 08:05 PM
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Originally Posted by swordfish941 View Post
i think i'll use my assasin character in another of my stories. It's inspired by the film "the limey". The celt is now a retired hitman that used to work for the irish mob, and has found out that his girlfriend courtney has been brutally raped and murdered. He's forced to come out of retirement and does an investagation of his own. He encounters a variety of characters including his former employer sean mulrooney, crackhead miguel lopez, pornographer pete smalls, and his two henchmen (nicknamed "tweedledee" and "tweedledum"). I'll replace his p239 with a browning hi-power and his back up will be a smith & wesson model 686 with a 3' inch barrel and hogue rubber grips.
Get off of my property
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Old 04-29-2010, 08:35 PM
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Originally Posted by S&Wshooter View Post
I had a feeling that would make you happy. I just have the basic storyline down. It was just an idea floating around in head. I was thinking that Tweedledee and Tweedledum would carry matching Smith & Wesson revolvers. Tweedledee carry a Smith & Wesson Model 66 Snub fitted with black rubber grips while Tweedledum carries a Smith & Wesson Model 686 Snub with Hogue grips.
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Old 05-03-2010, 06:09 AM
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Ok back on the topic here.
“Buenos Dias, Padre.” Maria spoke into the phone. “You are in a world of shit.”

“What the fuck are you doing Maria?” Her father responded. “ this is an open god damned line!”

“Sending a message to the world.” Maria answered. “I’m through with working for you. No more doing little jobs for me, Da. No more dealing with people who would rather have their way with me than treat me as a human fucking being! No more dealing with a father who looks the other way as his own flesh and blood is violated!”

“Maria, lets talk about this.”

“How ‘bout you fuck off, eat shit and die. You’ve never cared one way or another about me before so it’s a bit late to start padre.”

“What happened?” Her father asked.” You at least owe me that much.”

“What happened! What happened! Juan fucked up badly. He’s involved in that hit that went bad up north. I have a source who has the fucking phone conversation that Juan made with the hitter. Now there are people coming to…”

“Maria stop for a second.” Her father ordered. “How the hell do you have a friend who can get encrypted phone transcripts?”

“You never took care of me, so I had to take care of myself. I have my own little safety net. One of them sent me the word today and it’s all bad.”

“What do you mean, bad?”

“Pablo Fucking Escobar ring a bell, Daddy?” Maria answered pronouncing the last word like a curse.

“Escobar, so who’s going to hunt us down and kill us?” Her father stated, remembering the famous drug lord who was hunted down and killed.

“I’ve got word that the uncle of the family Juan hit has called out a very nasty dog.” Maria replied.

“Maria, what is going on with you!?! Her father yelled.

Maria hung up on him. She didn’t feel like taking anymore of his bullshit. Besides if the woman called Fenris, was real then she was in deep trouble. She had grown up around people with colorful knicknames and there was a simple rule about those who kept them. Those who kept their own knickname were usually the ones who walked the walk. Now anyone could call themselves say "Scary Bastard" but unless they lived up to the knickname people would start calling them "chickenshit motherfucker". As far as the woman who someone had dubbed Fenris,child of Loki, Beast of Ragnarok, Maria didn’t think that the person was jokeing. The trio of veteranos lying dead by the Cadillac SUV, she had been using spoke volumes. They had been shot by someone using a .22. While the round was extremely common the way the punks were shot was professional. Each of them was shot twice in the head, before they could use their weapons. The neighors hadn't heard a thing and the street was quiet. That usually meant that it was a suppressed handgun.

One of them she recognized as Diego Estrada, a low level enforcer for Juan’s organization. Maria remembered him because Juan had rewarded Estrada with a suppressed .380 Ingram Model-11 of his own. Maria had quickly searched the body and found it on him. She tossed it under the driver's seat took off. Her next stop was a mailbox center.

Inside she searched the mailboxes until she found one in particular. Carefully she spun the dial on the combination lock. Maria pulled out the plain looking Manila envelope she found inside. She shut the mailbox and drove three blocks before opening the envelope. Inside was a trucker’s wallet, an American passport and a letter. Maria checked the wallet, and found it contained everything she needed to be identified as a citizen of the United States of America. Also inside the wallet was $1,000 in various US bills. Maria smiled at the courtesy of Isabella and Dominique. Most people wouldn't think to provide travel money. Not that Maria really needed it just yet.

She stopped after an hour of cross country driving. She was on a hill just Southeast of Camel mountain overlooking the border. She had just buried the firearms next to a large bolder. As far as weapons went all she had was the .357 magnum. Maria would have buried it too but she knew that she would have to defend herself at some future point. She read the writing on the barrel “STURM RUGER & CO INC SOUTHPORT CONN USA” and on the other side was “RUGER GP100 .357 MAGNUM CAL”. She thumbed the catch on the left of the frame and swung out the cylinder. It took a tap on the ejector rod to drop six 158 grain jacketed hollow points into her hands.

Maria looked over the cartridges looking for any obvious flaws in the rounds. She realized that she held six lives in her hand. People had committed murder for her and she didn't even know them in person. There were two people out there who knew who she was and knew what she had done yet they still helped her. She then realized that in helping her they themselves had dipped down to her moral level. The sobering thought made her sick. Bending over at the waist she discovered how bad apples tasted coming back up. She ended up dry heaving on her knees. She coughed a couple times and spat out the foul taste from her mouth.

“Damn you! fucking damn you! You damn fucking bastard!” Maria cursed God, heaven, and all the angels that she could remember. “Mi hija de Diablo, I am the devil’s daughter. I fucking hate your ass. If I ever see you I am going to kill your ass.”

She felt empty after her rage against heaven. Her anger vented in the tirade against the divine. Her half forgotten values and those morals that her mother had given her dwelled in her mind. Maria made up her mind and stood up. She raised her left hand and touched her forehead. Her hand then traveled between her legs over to her right hip and across to her left hip. She then spoke two words: “Hail Satan.”
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Old 05-03-2010, 06:13 AM
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Why yes maria is a pissed off teenager at this point in her life. Currently she's saying and doing things out of emotion an not really thinking about the long term. Thankfully Johnny is showing up soon and someone is going to find out that there is alot more to religion than she thinks.
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Old 05-03-2010, 07:59 PM
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Can you describe what Johnny looks like?
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Old 05-04-2010, 06:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Swordfish941 View Post
Can you describe what Johnny looks like?
Well you are in luck as awhile back i commissioned some Images of Johnny and Maria from a friend who does Digital Art. Unfortunatly he's had a couple of computer crashes since then and has had to recreate his old works.

Here's Johnny

And Maria

as a bonus I'll toss in a more recent image of Maria and Erica

The Artist who did the Images is DarklordDC
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Old 05-05-2010, 02:09 AM
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That digital creation of Johnny reminds me of Johnny Depp and Maria reminds me of Mila Kunis. When does Johnny come into the story?
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Old 05-05-2010, 04:19 AM
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First off,
I am re-writing Johnny's introduction now. It's part of the next story segment.

As far as Johnny's look it's supost to be more along the lines of an old western Gunfighter brought into the 21st century. Origionally he was described as looking alot like Dante from Death Machine. Personality wise he's a pretty likable guy but he is missing parts of a normal personality and that makes him very dangerous.

Maria on the other hand is small and cute in a society where small and cute means Target. Thus she has learned to be very vicious when she thinks that she needs to be.

These traits while not apropriate for everyday life do have their uses. Fortunatly for our protagonists they are intelligent enough to choose when to express these traits. In essence they are the rough people who watch over those who sleep soundly in their beds.
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