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Old 05-11-2011, 04:19 AM
SPEMack618 SPEMack618 is offline
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Default Z.a.a.p.

The lanky lieutenant eased back into his easy chair, a cold Budweiser longneck in his left hand. Slouched down into his favored relaxing position, he popped the cap off his beer with his Swiss Army Knife, never having been able to open a twist off without gouging his hand. Running a hand through his sandy blonde crew cut, he kicked off his loafers. As he pushed the knife back into the pocket of his Levi’s, his cell phone buzzed. Stifling a curse, he sat up to retrieve the offending device from its resting place under his dirty University of Montana hat.
“Lieutenant Taylor.” He answered, not bothering to check the caller ID, taking a pull from the icy cold goodness in his hand.
“Jed, it’s me.” A soft feminine voice said in an almost hesitant tone. Taylor set down his beer and checked the caller ID to confirm exactly which “me” he was dealing with; it could be one of several Georgia Tech sorority girls; so far the best thing about being assigned to a post south of the Mason-Dixon line, aside from the awesome white tail hunting.
“Oh, hey, Tara. Rough day at work, I was kind of zoned out. So, what’s up?” Jed said with a practiced air.
“Oh, well, I was wondering that if you didn’t have anything to do tonight, my roommate is at a sorority thing, so we could be alone for a little while…”
“I’ll be right there.” Taylor said as he closed his phone shut and stood. He slammed down the rest of his beer and made his way to his bedroom, stopping to drop his bottle in his recycling tub in the hall way. Pulling off his soiled Polo from the day, he grabbed a light blue button down shirt and threw it own, deliberately leaving it un-tucked. The First Lieutenant of the ZAAP looked more like a frat boy than a highly skilled and effective commando. Getting into his battered Silverado, festooned with Ducks Unlimited stickers, he checked to make sure that his Springfield XD .45 was secured in the small of his back and concealed by his flapping shirt tail. Even though there was still a very real threat, it was getting to the point where civilians were again squeamish of military men carrying weapons in public, in or out of uniform.
I like to think, that before that Navy SEAL double tapped bin Laden in the head, he kicked him, so that we could truly say we put a boot in his ass.
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Old 05-11-2011, 04:20 AM
SPEMack618 SPEMack618 is offline
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Pulling out of his apartment complex, he called his team sergeant.
“Sergeant Green, this is Taylor. Need to update you on my status.” He said without preamble when he heard the middle aged master sergeant pick up.
“Roger that, sir. Where you headed, Molly’s?” Green asked, sitting up in his office chair to get to his computer.
“Negative, headed to Tara’s. The one over in University Village.”
“The one still in college at Tech? Geez, ell-tee, robbing the cradle aren’t we?” Green asked with a chuckle.
“Sarge, in your senility of old age, you’re forgetting that I’m only 23. Call me if something happens. See you at morning muster.”
“Bye, Lieutenant.” The Sergeant said and hung up. By that time, Taylor had arrived at his destination and parked his truck in an empty spot somewhat close to Tara’s apartment. Throwing an old field jacket over his tricked out M-4A1 laying in the floor board of his extended cab, he stuck his U of M hat at an appropriate “Good Ole Boy” angle and locked his truck. Tara met him in the parking lot, just as the Georgia sun was setting behind the Atlanta sky line. Her face was ashen. Taylor instantly went taunt, his XD seemingly cleared leather of its own accord, and he leaned back towards his truck ready to get his rifle out and working.
I like to think, that before that Navy SEAL double tapped bin Laden in the head, he kicked him, so that we could truly say we put a boot in his ass.
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Old 05-11-2011, 04:21 AM
SPEMack618 SPEMack618 is offline
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“Jed, I think I saw one of those things in the bushes behind my building….” Tara began, easing herself into Jed’s arms.
“FUCK!” Jed swore with a passion as he pulled out his keys. He quickly opened his door and pulled out his M-4A1 from under his field jacket. Turning his hat around backwards, he grabbed the two way radio mounted under his AM/FM set.
“Playboy Six to ZAP Five, Playboy Six to ZAP Five. Come back over.” Taylor said, as he slapped a magazine into his rifle and his practiced skill racked the charging handle back with his free hand.
“Five to Six, go ahead.”
“Five, we have a situation at my location. Advise you alert the Mike Force and have them heli-insert my posit. Over.”
“Copy that. Be airborne in five mikes, your posit in eight. Hang tough, ell-tee. Five, out.”
The alert klaxon sounded across the flight line at the old Army post. Urban camouflaged troops came running at full speed from the alert shelter to UH-60 Blackhawks, their rotors already beginning to turn.
Taylor clipped the mike radio back to the receiver and then took Tara by the hand.
“Honey, listen to me. There’s probably an outbreak emanating from somewhere around here. We lost contact with one U-D today, and we think he headed this way. Listen, I’m going to go find it and kill it. There are probably more out there, but I’ve got help on the way. When you hear a helicopter, I want you to do something. Okay?” Taylor asked, as he reached into his center console and pulled out an IR strobe light
“What?” Tara stammered out, Taylor’s cool and confident demeanor was oddly reassuring.
I like to think, that before that Navy SEAL double tapped bin Laden in the head, he kicked him, so that we could truly say we put a boot in his ass.
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Old 05-11-2011, 04:22 AM
SPEMack618 SPEMack618 is offline
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“When you hear the choppers, flip this switch. Okay? This is an Infrared Strobe Light. The pilots will have on special goggles to see it. Now, listen, take this.” Taylor said ashe twirled his XD around on his finger like a gun fighter and handed it to Tara butt first.
“There's no safety and there is a round in the chamber. Put the red dot between their eyes and squeeze the trigger. Now, it’s a .45 so it’s going to kick, but don’t let it scare you. I’ll be back.” Taylor closed the door in his truck and assumed a low crouch. Moving forward, he could feel his heart rate slowly begin to rise and the back of his neck suddenly felt very cold.
“Here lays First Lieutenant Jebemiah “Jed” Taylor, Zombie Air Assault Patrol, who was killed outside of the apartment of some girl he vaguely knew.” Taylor thought to himself as he slowly stalked to the tree line. He swore to himself about not having a pair of night goggles in his truck. His only hope to survive this was to make the kill on the leader of the group right as the Mike Force showed up. His M-4A1 was suppressed, but it still fired a supersonic round, so it would be loud and the “zombs” tracked right in on sound. There was a faint rustle in the bush to his immediate right and Jed thought he saw the shimmer of light refracting off an eye. He tensed his finger on the trigger, another .07 pounds of pressure and the weapon would fire. He waited until what he thought was a head was in the center of the reticule of his ACOG scope, distantly thinking that he would either have to end this fight quick, or find a secure spot to flip his scope over from its daytime red optics to the nighttime green. He very lightly drummed his fingers of the forward pistol grip of his rifle. A small squirrel scurried up the bush into a neighboring tree. Jed slowly eased forward, ignoring his nearly fatal error. There was the definite man like shape he was looking for, with its decidedly evil looking red eyes. It turned and stared right at Jed and let out a low hiss as Jed squeezed his trigger. When the first of the three 5.56 ballistic tips impacted the Zomb’s jaw, the hiss turned to a squeal.
I like to think, that before that Navy SEAL double tapped bin Laden in the head, he kicked him, so that we could truly say we put a boot in his ass.
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Old 05-11-2011, 04:23 AM
SPEMack618 SPEMack618 is offline
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“AW SHIT!” Taylor screamed, his position was announced. He flipped the selector switch on his rifle to “full” and took cover behind a large oak tree. Two Zombies came running towards him blindly, each was dispatched with a two round burst to the head. Then another came up from the left, and he too met the same fate. This one was quickly followed by another, this one a female. She got the same treatment. The faint rumble of helicopters filled the air. Two more came from the right, and one from the left. Shooting as if he was on the range, Jed quickly moved from each target to the next, firing controlled two round bursts. A large gaggle came from the right, and Jed poured in the fire, dropping a handful of them. He went to reload. A powerful hand knocked him to the ground. His carbine lost in his fall, Jed quickly made the transition to his pistol, only it wasn’t there. Commando rolling away from the threat, and pulled his Glock 27 from his ankle holster and put two into the offending Zombie’s head. Another Zombie grabbed him from the back and Jed deftly flipped him over his shoulder and shot him once right between the eyes. Another Zombie came from the left, and got one to the head. Jed tried to move back to his rifle, but was tripped by one the Zombies he had merely wounded in his spray of fire. As he fell, he lost his pistol. Pulling out his Swiss Army Knife, Taylor buried it in the Zombie’s left eye and twisted it. One of the others on the ground put a hand across his throat and pulled Jed closer to him. Jed reached out against him but was overwhelmed by the Zombies sheer brute strength. Taylor began to make a low gurgling sound. A single rifle shot cracked across the parking lot. A ballistic tip .300 WSM round fired from a Remington 700 neatly destroyed the Zombie’s head. The single shot came from Master Sergeant Green, who was perched across the hood of Taylor’s truck with the bi-pod of his rifle planted on the roof of the cab.
“SARGE, I know it’s old, but watch the paint!” Taylor yelled, as he stood and retrieved his pistol. He then went about methodically putting one round into each of the wounded Zombies and picked up his rifle.
I like to think, that before that Navy SEAL double tapped bin Laden in the head, he kicked him, so that we could truly say we put a boot in his ass.
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Old 05-11-2011, 04:24 AM
SPEMack618 SPEMack618 is offline
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Did this for a fiction as political theory class. Hope y'all enjoy it.
I like to think, that before that Navy SEAL double tapped bin Laden in the head, he kicked him, so that we could truly say we put a boot in his ass.
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Old 05-11-2011, 04:57 AM
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Not bad at all. I've seen much worse not only published but part of a five book series.

Could we get the backstory on the characters too?
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Old 05-14-2011, 06:41 PM
SPEMack618 SPEMack618 is offline
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haha, Rockwolf, not much of a back story really, threw that together for a five page assignment.

Working on stringing together a novella called "ZAAP" as well that sorta takes that the above concept and runs with it. It has a bunch of character development and even features Jed and Tara, albeit in peripheral roles.
I like to think, that before that Navy SEAL double tapped bin Laden in the head, he kicked him, so that we could truly say we put a boot in his ass.
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