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Old 03-18-2009, 03:54 AM
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Default Columbine Shooting

I was in school today and I read a book accurately explaining everything that happened during the event. I've seen and read a lot of things but nothing has left me more disturbed than what those sickos did.

And it makes me hate illegal guns more than ever. I like LEGAL guns. I would never touch or sell an illegal gun. When I hear the guys bought two unknown pump shotguns, a Tech-9M (they call it a TEC-DC9 civilian semi-auto, but the surveillance clearly shows it is a mini), a High-Point 9mm carbine, and lots of ammo, it pisses me off.

This is a surveillance image of one of them with a TEC-9M in the cafeteria.

These two guys massacred unarmed, defenseless students in the school library while laughing and commenting on it to each other. I'm glad their propane bomb failed to detonate, it would have doubled the casualties.

Now both these neo-nazi pricks are rotting in hell and the only thing about this that doesn't disturb me is the picture on sites showing them after they commited suicide.

Again, I'm in a bad mood so this seemed like a good thing to bring up.

Last edited by Gunmaster45; 03-18-2009 at 03:56 AM.
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Old 03-18-2009, 04:04 AM
Clutch Clutch is offline
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The one thing I hate about Columbine after what those two dumb fucks (censor me if you have to, but that's about the only way you can describe them as) did is how it became, for a little while, the rallying cry for idiots like L. Brent Bozell and others who think life should be an episode of "Leave it to Beaver". I remember how they blamed The Matrix as influencing them, despite the fact that the movie came out a little less than a month beforehand and really, wouldn't have done a damn thing to influence them regardless.

The Virginia Tech incident was another thing that had something else to piss me off besides the actual shooter himself. For a little bit afterwards, people were screaming for more gun control laws. Funny thing is, I heard not too long afterwards that the VT shooter got his guns from a licensed dealer...who knew about his mental history...and apparently chose to ignore it. I think right about that same time, the clamor for more gun control died off, because, after all, what's the point of putting more laws on the books when the current ones weren't followed to begin with?
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Old 03-18-2009, 04:13 AM
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For the record, I'm not an Admin. on the forum, just the site so I CAN'T censor you, but I wouldn't. If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. Don't ban the kitchen like the MPAA. (strange analogy )

I want to pay inmates in his current prison to shank that little druggy bitch who sold the guns to the guys before the shooting.

They showed literally NO remorse, except for about 2 guys who they let walk away because "they liked them."

Funniest thing (although nothing about it was funny) is one of them broke his nose from the recoil of his shotgun because he fired it awkwardly shooting people under a table. Killed one girl because she said she believed in god. Made a song about it.

Now they have graves, one of which has "How can we ever forgive you?" etched on it. Better solution, don't forgive him and piss on his grave.

I have no sympathy for these guys no matter how bullied they were, they were remorseless psychopaths and they murdered everyone in sight, no matter who they were.

I wish someone would make a movie in dedication of the people murdered, but some asshole liberal director would make it all about the guns.
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Old 03-19-2009, 09:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Clutch View Post
For a little bit afterwards, people were screaming for more gun control laws.
Few people realize that banning guns doesn't solve the problem. All it does is disarm the law-abiding public. Criminals will get guns, whether they're legal to own or not.

Of course, I doubt that's any kind of news flash to you guys.
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Old 03-19-2009, 11:57 AM
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With the subject of school shootings, it's tragic and it happens, people snap and there are people out there who are simply just stupid and insane and wont listen to reason and lost their sanity entirely. It's all about them being in the spotlight cause no one pays attention to them before.

I think we need to enlighten everyone to the dangers and real facts about life instead of covering their ears when they start hearing something that makes the uncomfortable. Most people who makes gun laws, and even those preaching world peace can be very naive to the fact that the world isn't safe, that there are people who dont obey the law, that the police cant be everywhere, that governments can be corrupted, and it is up to us to make sure we are safe, our families are safe with our own hands and actions.

I know it sounds grim that the world isn't really all about love and peace, but it's the natual way of things. We can hope for a better tomorrow, but until there is one, we keep our guards up and watch out. It's not being paranoid, it's being safe.

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Old 04-20-2009, 10:34 PM
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An article from CNN on stuff not related to gun control:

Must admit, some of the stuff in there did contradict my own memories of the incident (I was 13 at the time and remember it pretty part because my school insisted on discussing it for like a week).
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Old 04-20-2009, 11:01 PM
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I saw articles saying some basic things told to us was a lie.

Take this for instance: In the media We hear about normal kids bullied and forced to be outsiders, being beat on and made fun of, and snapping finally.

In real life, They were known as the school bullies, they were the ones beating on anyone they hated, be it any non whites or "fags." One was even deemed a sociopath after seeing a therapist. How's this for a little role reversal.
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Old 03-19-2009, 05:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Spartan198 View Post
Few people realize that banning guns doesn't solve the problem. All it does is disarm the law-abiding public. Criminals will get guns, whether they're legal to own or not.

Of course, I doubt that's any kind of news flash to you guys.
I do think that there's a bit of a difference between a bunch of zit-faced teenagers versus organized criminal gangs, however.
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Old 03-19-2009, 01:37 AM
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That's not a TEC-DC9?

As far as the shooting goes, I felt as bad about it as anyone, but there has been talk for years now about what a terrible school Columbine is. I've heard it's one of those places where there's a huge gap between the super-popular, prissy asshole-type kids, and everyone else. In other words, a place that represents all the worst stereotypes of high schools from bad Hollywood movies.

I remember even after the shooting, there was some kid who was interviewed who admitted that he'd bullied the two Columbine shooters. In TIME magazine, he openly bragged about doing it, and then made homophobic comments at the same type. A smiley jock bastard, too. As someone who dealt with those kinds of people as a teenager, I felt an awful lot of spite towards him, despite what he'd been through.

I don't mean to come across as insensitive, because it was incredibly cruel how Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold executed all of those kids (in the library, by lining them up to die). But the thing is, I'm also just not surprised it happened at Columbine, after hearing what the place is like.

Last edited by MT2008; 03-19-2009 at 01:39 AM.
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Old 03-19-2009, 02:00 AM
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It doesn't have a barrel shroud and it was only firing semi auto. No one had converted it to full auto. Since it has the short barrel and is the civilian gun, it is a TEC-9M or Mini. My dad owns one, the magazine doesn't feed into it right so it needs to be fixed.

My question is, if this guy being interviewed and openly admits he bullied them, why didn't they kill him? Aren't school shootings usually targeted towards the bullies?
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