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Old 02-03-2011, 01:13 AM
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Default dont get some gunowner attitudes

Well, I browse certain forums. There is always discussions on "your favorite gun" or "guns you think are cool."

Then people show up who think they're cool and say stuff like "I dont have favorites there just tools to get the job done." Or "Guns arent cool, there simply to defend your life and your an idiot for thinking there cool."

Well, I for one see guns as having other uses, like, oh.........recreation. Yeah, i shoot them cause its fun. So I can say "I like gun x its more fun to shoot."

i just dont understand it.
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Old 02-03-2011, 01:42 AM
Jcordell Jcordell is offline
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Yes the "Guns are tools" crowd always has to chime in. Trying to make those of us who just like the damn things feel bad. Screw em.

My question is if they feel that way why are they posting on a gun forum?
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Old 02-03-2011, 01:51 AM
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They can act like experts there without having to drive to the gun counter.
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Grunt, Mass effect 3
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Old 02-03-2011, 06:22 AM
Nyles Nyles is offline
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My guns aren't tools (well, aside from the ones the Queen gives me). I don't use them for any practical purpose. I just like the damned things!
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Old 02-03-2011, 09:25 AM
ManiacallyChallenged ManiacallyChallenged is offline
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I have an idea! Make a super rugged handgun, and then make magazines for it with hammer heads on the bottom, and maybe a guide rod with a screwdriver coming out the front.

Then the argument gets way more interesting.
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Old 02-03-2011, 08:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Checkman View Post
Yes the "Guns are tools" crowd always has to chime in. Trying to make those of us who just like the damn things feel bad. Screw em.

My question is if they feel that way why are they posting on a gun forum?
Sounds to me like those people have a guilt complex, and/or want to feel like Hollywood action stars. You know...think of those movies where the hero is some uber-tacticool soldier or mercenary, but secretly hates guns and violence, and dreams of some day retiring from the life so that he can live on a socialist-utopia commune eating organic food with the woman he loves, without seeing another gun for the rest of his life.

As sad as it sounds, there really are self-righteous people in real life who have that same retarded Hollywood mentality towards firearms. Those are the same assholes who will say stuff like "guns are just tools" and try to make other gun owners think there's something wrong with them if they just like to shoot or collect weapons.
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Old 02-03-2011, 09:54 PM
BurtReynoldsMoustache BurtReynoldsMoustache is offline
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Irresponsible gun owners are a bane on society, so it's understandable that responsible gun owners would adopt an attitude that distances themselves from the kind of morons that leave loaded handguns on the coffee table where their bipolar stepsons can just pick them up.
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Old 02-03-2011, 11:05 PM
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Playing devil's advocate here: I'm always being asked by NON GUN OWNERS "What is your favorite gun?" Since I don't want to say "I love them all for different reasons" I always point out that guns are tools (without disparaging them). Seriously, they are TOOLS, beautiful and cool TOOLS but tools none the less. Some of them are fine art! Some of them are UGLY but loved no less than a beautiful one. Some of them are mediocre looking but very reliable, etc. But they all serve a practical function which other things like jewelry or art does not.

I think that attitude comes more from guys who already have TONS of guns. They're just tired and somewhat cynical because of the overbearing energy that overly excited gun geeks get over stuff. I count myself amongst them. I actually don't like it when someone asks me "So what is your favorite gun?" because I think it's an irrelevant question for someone like me who has no favorite and who likes many many different types for different reasons.

Now I don't act all mad or anything if anyone asks that, I just say either "I like them all" or the "It's a tool, whatever I need from the tool box, I like best at the time". It depends on the person asking.
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Old 02-04-2011, 09:48 AM
ManiacallyChallenged ManiacallyChallenged is offline
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Good point.
I LOVE my tools. Guns, sure they're okay tools. Drills? Ah man, corded or cordless I frikkin' love power drills. Hammers? Not so useful, but yeah they're okay.
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Old 02-05-2011, 05:58 PM
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Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 View Post
I actually don't like it when someone asks me "So what is your favorite gun?" because I think it's an irrelevant question for someone like me who has no favorite and who likes many many different types for different reasons.
Dunno if I have a favorite gun, but if somebody asks me what types of guns I like for specific reasons, I can say I have favorites. If someone asks me what guns I like to shoot, I'll say my AR-15 and SIG 226. I have an AK that I like a lot, but not because I like to shoot it (I'd rather shoot the AR). I also have several other guns that I don't particularly like to shoot, such as my S&W 4506 and my Mossberg 500 Mariner. The latter is a weapon that I bought almost entirely for practical reasons (I decided that I needed a 12-gauge because it's more ideal for home defense than a rifle or pistol).
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