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Old 04-17-2009, 06:04 PM
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Default More rules for IMFDB (including foreign entries)

Personally it's getting a little perturbing that so much of our work can be undone by anonymous IP addresses. Perhaps we should seriously look at making EVERYONE create an account before they can either create a new page or edit. Just a thought.

Foreign movies

We've recently had a slew of Entries for BOLLYWOOD movies, "some" Chinese or Korean films, and have a few really obscure European films (like those EAST GERMAN B&W movies from the 1960s). Usually pages for foreign films are pretty lean on content.

This made me think about foreign movies in general. We should have rules, unless it is an available title in the U.S. (available at any Hollywood/blockbuster/netflix) then the creator of the page has an obligation to complete it as much as possible. That MEANS posting the cover/poster, and also screencapping it as well as putting in the effort of putting in a brief (i mean BRIEF) summary of the film, including some technical data like year it was released, whether or not it is color or B&W and whether or not it was a foreign (i.e. NOT english) language film.

I'm not that concerned with films readily available in the U.S. .... This is an American based site, and Mods or superusers can eventually get to those pages. I myself attacked ''A Clockwork Orange'' and recently ''Timecop'' and updated them when I saw them as blank or lame pages. (note: Timecop is still an ongoing project)

But foreign films where I would literally have to spend DAYS hunting them down or buy them from overseas mail order houses just to see them, should NOT fall into the lap of American Mods or Superusers to fix. The original posters should take the responsibility of screencapping the film or doing little things like putting up the poster of the film or putting a brief description.

For example, I was the one who posted the posters for several Foreign movies entries (and I also tracked down and wrote the summaries and tried to find production stills online) and frankly I'm not doing it any more. It's the responsibility of the person who actually SAW the movie and wants its inclusion into IMFDB to make the page complete.

Just me venting.... Input or suggestions anyone?
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Old 04-19-2009, 03:49 PM
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I dunno if we should necessarily require them to upload screencaps. If they at least follow proper format and put effort into the page (instead of just putting a quick list of the guns) by including descriptions, page links, and gun images, then the page at least serves SOME useful function.

I've actually done pages myself for which don't have screencaps yet (my "Far Cry" page being an example - I do intend to do screencaps for it as soon as I have a copy of the movie where the German subtitles aren't in the way).
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Old 04-21-2009, 12:57 AM
ManiacallyChallenged ManiacallyChallenged is offline
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I whole-heartedly agree about requiring accounts to edit. Hopefully it would improve the average quality of pages and edits.

As for foreign movies and stuff, I really don't think a page should exist if it doesn't have screen-caps regardless of country of origin. So if the DVD isn't available, then it probably shouldn't be created.
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Old 04-24-2009, 09:29 PM
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Originally Posted by ManiacallyChallenged View Post
I whole-heartedly agree about requiring accounts to edit. Hopefully it would improve the average quality of pages and edits.

As for foreign movies and stuff, I really don't think a page should exist if it doesn't have screen-caps regardless of country of origin. So if the DVD isn't available, then it probably shouldn't be created.
As a noob I would agree that seeing a page with no poster or screen grabs sucks, only a short list of guns (usuallyi not spelled correctly either). I would give them a time period (like 6 months) and if no one has helped with the page, especially something foreign or so obscure that no one else can get the screen grabs, the delete it. The site will seem so much cleaner.
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Old 04-24-2009, 11:43 PM
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That's the general logic although so many crap pages come in at a time, you forget about one crappy page after six months.
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Old 04-30-2009, 07:47 AM
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Question Brief Summary

Hi friends, I have introduced BOLLYWOOD movies in IMFDB. I would like to know that what is the best procedure to add brief summary and technical data to the article. Is it through adding an Infobox or by creating an additional paragraph with heading "Summary" ?
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Old 05-01-2009, 11:58 PM
Alcatrazz Alcatrazz is offline
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Let's add something about inline comments. If someone makes a mistake, fix it, don't add a pithy comment about how wrong he is, and how awesome you are.
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Old 05-02-2009, 11:23 AM
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Default Reference ???

Why there isn't any reference? None of the articles have any reference. Without proper citation, how is it possible to claim that the information is authentic?
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Old 05-02-2009, 06:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Ritwikbmca View Post
Why there isn't any reference? None of the articles have any reference. Without proper citation, how is it possible to claim that the information is authentic?
What do you mean? Please clarify.

For the record, before IMFDB was started ... there WAS NO RECORD of much of the information here. Many of the original pages were created by film & gun enthusiasts. There is TONS of information here that you will never find anywhere else, ever. Why? Because this is a specialized field of interest.

Most gun publications couldn't give a rat's ass if a specific movie used a chopped and Converted HK94 instead of an MP5 for example. They're only interested in gun history. Movie trivia sites are only interested in movie history and are notorious for knowing NOTHING about guns.

In fact this site was created to CORRECT much of the erroneous information on the net.

There is a lot of first hand information, or face to face second hand information that is being chronicled here. I and the other armorers on the site put in information 'from the field' per se. In the beginning, I was regularly inputting information that I got first hand from industry vets like Syd Stembridge and Mike Papac. We now have first hand information from guys like Al Vrkljan and Steve Karnes that is found nowhere else! I also documented 'on the set' information from guys like Larry Merrril and Harry Lu (though as we've discovered, sometimes even experienced armorers 'remember it wrong'. eh MT2008? ) But IMFDB has grown ALOT from a year ago. So I am not sure where other publications can give attribution, nor would I trust them to know what the hell they're talking about anyway. Ignorance about weapons in films abounds (I still have to explain to 99.99% of the public that we use REAL GUNS in movies). You're NOT going to get accurate information from other sources unless they're from the armorers (or MG brokers like Dan Shea) or other people associated with the industry.
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Old 05-03-2009, 07:56 AM
ManiacallyChallenged ManiacallyChallenged is offline
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... exactly what he said.
This stuff could count as general knowledge because it is generally acquired through experience as opposed to, say, research.

Usually the spotting of an HK 94 versus MP5k is done by the viewer and contributor looking closely and figuring it out, not by reading a rental invoice.
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