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Old 12-03-2010, 05:45 PM
BurtReynoldsMoustache BurtReynoldsMoustache is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 929

Originally Posted by k9870 View Post
You do know those gangs dont just traffic drugs, theyve got gun running, human trafficking, chop shops and stealing valuables, right? There a threat, a bigass threat, to everyone and seeing them wiped out is good.
You're missing the point that running into a shantytown guns blazing isn't really a solution to any of those problems. Legalize drugs (and guns) and you've delivered a tremendous blow to the gangs' abilities to organize and resist. Yes they'll still be up to no good with human trafficking and property theft, but the real money is in drugs. You can't finance an army with the profits from a chop shop, and it's alot easier to maintain the moral high ground (and therefore garner public support) when you're up against people who prostitute children as opposed to people who sell some powders to consenting adults.