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Old 02-28-2009, 10:59 AM
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Gunmaster45 Gunmaster45 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: New York, USA
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Default The viewers are taunting me!

First I revamp Saving Private Ryan, so it looses popularity and is replaced by Bad Boys II. I add a lot of shots for Bad Boys II and M16 series knocks it off. Now I add shots to the Matrix and Saving Private Ryan knocks it down.

Does my work make the pages less popular or something, I don't get it.

It's not a big deal though, but it seems like I'm cursing the most popular.

I added shots to Heat, the #1 page for so long, and now the M1911 series knocked it off its spot. Good thing I don't own Scarface, or soon the Desert Eagle page would be in the top five (check, it's close to being on there). Then again, I never did like that movie. It's obvious Oliver Stone wrote it because he was craving cocain while breaking his addiction. Tony Montana snorts off a mountain of coke on his desk, not to mention his whole job his drug trafficking. Personally I thought it wasn't very good.

Does the general public dislike my work or something or is it just bizzare coincidence?
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