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Old 05-31-2011, 01:33 AM
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Originally Posted by FIVETWOSEVEN View Post
I got 4 M1 Garands from my local legion to do work on and just got back from test firing them. They had an assortment of problems which consisted of short stroking, light primer strikes and just plain misfeeding. The blank ammo I was using was Military M1909 and it was crimped and I had a few ammo which I do not know what it was that had a casing similar to a regular round with the end filled with a red paper (I'm guessing) and I put a clip through the one that was misfiring every time and it functioned perfectly.

What can be done about them short stroking? Would shortening the mainspring be good enough to allow them to cycle?
I had a funeral Garand in the shop once, it was short stroking because the gas port was clogged. Strip it down and make the gas port clean enough to eat off of, that should eliminate the idea of it being the gun and not the ammo. As for light primer strikes, just install a slightly heavier hammer spring.

Other than that, I don't know what other advice to give you. Good luck with them.
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