Thread: Myths section
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Old 08-17-2009, 07:10 PM
Vangelis Vangelis is offline
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Posts: 185
Default Myths section

I've noticed several times there was talk of adding a 'myths' section on common errors in handling and depiction of firearms. I'm thinking of typing up some of these to add to a category:myth section, so that they could be referenced easily in articles: here's what I have planned so far:

"Bullet knockback" - explaining how the physics of impacts more or less disallow the common sight of people being thrown violently into the air by bullets.

"Silent Silencers" - the fact that the Hollywood 'silencer' bears little resemblance to the noise an actual suppressor would make, supersonic rounds never being silent, etc.

"Clips and magazines" - explaining what a clip and magazine are, and common errors [pistol magazine is a 'clip' from Doom, the confusion arising from the Garand's clip actually being inserted into the weapon, etc].

"Chainguns" - the difference between a chaingun and a rotary or Gatling gun.

"Teflon myths" - the fact that Teflon coated bullets are used only to ease barrel wear and have no effect on the performance of soft body armour, and that the so-called 'cop killer' bullet is an alarmist fantasy.

"Reloading myths" - superfluous racking, slides magically moving to the locked back position when the mag is removed, and when you would actually operate a charging handle or forward assist.

Anyone think of any more?

Last edited by Vangelis; 08-17-2009 at 09:16 PM.
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