Thread: Media bias
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Old 02-10-2013, 07:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Sergei Titov View Post
CNN and MSNBC may have their downfalls, but at least they don't alter footage of the opposing party to make them look ugly and put wrong footage when describing rallies so as to make it look bigger. Fox news is the worst if you're talking about media bias.
You are entitled to your opinion, however, I must point out that your statement reeks of brainwashing from the Leftist media outlets. Groups like Huffington Post, have for years smeared Fox. Heck. Only the LEFT WING actually goes to the effort to create fake websites like Faux News or Drudge Retort in attempts to keep people from seeing the channels and voices that they oppose.

You unfortunately have drunk the Kool-aid.

There are Tons and tons more examples of the Liberal Media doing that than Fox.

For example, there were several hundred pro gun people supporting a gun store near the SF area in a rally. there were less than a dozen ANTI GUN protestors who showed up. WHO did CBS interview only? Of course only the Anti gun protestors who were in fact 'counter protestors' since they were there in response to a pro gun rally. I have never seen so much imbalance and bias on the part of the left in the media in my entire life.

The only smart man looks at all outlets fairly and comes to their own conclusion.
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