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Old 12-11-2009, 03:26 AM
Yournamehere Yournamehere is offline
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The censorship we are talking about is in no way professional. When is the last time you saw a movie on TV that included swearing, but had to be dubbed due to FCC desires? Hell just yesterday I tried watching Menace II Society and had to stop within the first 10 minutes because Samuel L. Jackson swears so much in one of the first scenes, his voice was FULLY dubbed over with another guy who didn't even sound like him. Not only did it ruin the film itself, but it felt a lot less "professional" and so I couldn't take it seriously. My watching experience was ruined.

Now take a network like HBO into consideration. They allow language, some nudity, and graphic images. Some might not let their kids watch this, or might get upset if their kids end up witenssing any of this "questionable programming", but they know what the network entails, and they should be responsible for this "offensive content" coming into their life, especially when the network is known for it's content and has ratings and lists of what the programs include before they even air (the following feature film is rated...).

This leads me to my next proposal. Instead of tearing apart memorable quotes or the dialogue we choose to use as free persons on the internet, why don't we set up some sort of disclaimer? It could state that the site may include some swearing, and we could work in violence and movie spoilers which are also problems we have been meaning to address. It allows us word freedom and also covers our ass in case someone has something bad to say about the way our site is made up. We do offer a service that no one really has a market on right now, but in some aspects, we shouldn't cater to everyone at the risk of destorying movielines or our own personal speech, or sounding like a basic cable movie dub, they should cater to themselves and either avoid what's in front of them, or deal with it. It's the nature of the beast. Besides, we all look at f--k and think "fuck" so the only difference is that the site looks silly.

Now, this is not to say I encourage free swearing or the crap Oliveira does. Keep it tasteful and minimal, but apply when you feel it is necessary. Talk pages should be free, and you all agree on that, but even there, try and keep it as friendly s possible. Overall though, we all look at f--k and think "fuck" so the only difference is that the site looks silly. I'd rather have people worry about themselves and retain the sites and my dignity than have that.
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