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Old 11-24-2008, 07:55 AM
Diego Wolfwood Diego Wolfwood is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Washington State
Posts: 34
Default The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Was curious if anyone can identify the guns used in this movie? No one has built the page yet, I would do it but my gun recognition skills are not very good. I'll list the guns I know of.

Rifles used by guards during the bank heist.
The machine guns used by the Phantom's men (Modified AK-47's maybe?)
Revolver held by a commanding officer in the blimp area.
Guided missile launcher used by the Phantom in blimp area.
The revolver Quatermain carries (A Webley?)
The multiple double rifles used by the hunters when attacked.
Pistols used by the Phantom's men in Africa.
The "Matilda" rifle used by Quatermain.
The Winchester rifles Tom Sawyer owns.
Tom's revolvers.
A gold plated Luger used by Grey, it looks like.
The rifles used by Nemo's men (Look like modified Sten guns)
The pistol Nemo carries.
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