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Old 08-18-2014, 10:07 PM
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MT2008 MT2008 is offline
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I see that they are now calling the Type 84 the "Type 06"...when did that happen? (Not that it matters; there were a bunch of importers in the 1980s who called it the "Type 56-1S", so IMFDB will continue to call it the Type 84 for the sake of simplicity. And everyone on the Internet tends to adopt our norms when it comes to naming weapons. )

Also didn't know that they had started making an M16A4 clone within the CQ line.

Originally Posted by Markost View Post
Is H&K going to sue the Chinese Government, who own Norinco, like they recently sued an American importer? Not a chance. China seems to find a new way to breach the WTO regulation each month and this is the least of their offenses. Unless the German government is willing to make this into a major diplomatic incident, Norinco is untouchable.


Germany is China's biggest trading partner and technology exporter in Europe, and the amount of German investment in China ranks second among European countries, after the United Kingdom.
Originally Posted by funkychinaman View Post
Can you not sue government-owned businesses, because that didn't stop Mauser from suing (and winning) a case against government-owned Springfield Armory over the M1903. Or is it because everyone is bending over backwards for the Red Chinese?
Considering the number of major German companies (particularly automobile manufacturers) with significant investments in the PRC, I imagine that the response H&K would receive from the German government would be either (a.) no response, or (b.) "shut up and deal". If you want to get a sense of how the German government feels about the financial well-being of German arms manufacturers, read this and you'll see why complaining would be futile.

I doubt H&K would try to sue Norinco regardless. The difference between GSG and Norinco making MP5 clones is that GSG was competition in a marketplace that H&K valued. Whereas the countries most likely to buy MP5s from China are the same countries who would buy them from the Iranians or Pakistanis (in other words, rogue states or countries that are too poor to pay H&K's asking price). H&K's lawyers undoubtedly have better things to do with their time than fight for sales territory where they were never competitive in the first place.
Cry "Havoc," and let slip the hogs of war.

Last edited by MT2008; 08-18-2014 at 10:17 PM.
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