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Old 06-24-2010, 03:44 AM
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Gunmaster45 Gunmaster45 is offline
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9. Guns Never Run Out of Bullets:
As seen in: Last Man Standing, Shoot ‘Em Up, Last Action Hero, Everything by John Woo, Everything by Michael Bay... basically every action movie ever made.

Now, for those of you who aren’t aware of this (prepare to have your mind BLOWN), firearms have a limited capacity of ammunition. Which can be exhausted. Quickly.

Because we cannot blatantly assume film makers are flat out witches (yet...), we have no choice but to call shenanigans on their fondness of raping the shit out of realism using crafty film editing. Unless you are a rather anal OCD psychopath who closely counts the number of shots fired from Ah-nuld’s Desert Eagle (slowly raises hand), most people don’t notice these errors. But once in a blue moon they are blatant. Extremely blatant. And I do mean that in the most redundant of senses.

Take “Last Man Standing” for instance, an action movie released in 1996 starring Bruce Willis and Christopher Walken, which retells the story of the 1964 spaghetti western “A Fistful of Dollars” starring Clint Eastwood in a more modern sense i.e., more guns, more violence, more boobs, more swearing, and more gritty voiceovers. Bruce plays John Smith, a lone gunman who dual wields a pair of beautiful Colt M1911A1 pistols in .45 ACP in cross draw holsters. For the record, in film it seems any man named “Smith” or “John Smith” is a gun wielding badass.

No exceptions

Every time Smith draws his .45’s, a hail of 40-50 bullets follow with no ceasing and an immense amount of firepower. While really cool to watch and all, a standard M1911A1 has a magazine capacity of seven rounds. Eight if you load one in the chamber first.

Take a moment and re-do that entire film in your head with that realism in mind... yep, he’s dead already. He does reload plenty of times in the movie, granted, it’s just he does so when someone wrote it in the script. Not even when the slides lock back three. times. in. a. row. does he run out of ammo. Not until the badass reload scenes come up.

Aww, we can’t stay mad at that badassery.

And in case you think I’m just picking on this movie, here’s some screengrabs from other films which follow similar suit.

Last Action Hero.

The Rock.

I could do this all day...

(more coming soon...)
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