Thread: Z.a.a.p.
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Old 05-11-2011, 04:21 AM
SPEMack618 SPEMack618 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Georgia
Posts: 742

“Jed, I think I saw one of those things in the bushes behind my building….” Tara began, easing herself into Jed’s arms.
“FUCK!” Jed swore with a passion as he pulled out his keys. He quickly opened his door and pulled out his M-4A1 from under his field jacket. Turning his hat around backwards, he grabbed the two way radio mounted under his AM/FM set.
“Playboy Six to ZAP Five, Playboy Six to ZAP Five. Come back over.” Taylor said, as he slapped a magazine into his rifle and his practiced skill racked the charging handle back with his free hand.
“Five to Six, go ahead.”
“Five, we have a situation at my location. Advise you alert the Mike Force and have them heli-insert my posit. Over.”
“Copy that. Be airborne in five mikes, your posit in eight. Hang tough, ell-tee. Five, out.”
The alert klaxon sounded across the flight line at the old Army post. Urban camouflaged troops came running at full speed from the alert shelter to UH-60 Blackhawks, their rotors already beginning to turn.
Taylor clipped the mike radio back to the receiver and then took Tara by the hand.
“Honey, listen to me. There’s probably an outbreak emanating from somewhere around here. We lost contact with one U-D today, and we think he headed this way. Listen, I’m going to go find it and kill it. There are probably more out there, but I’ve got help on the way. When you hear a helicopter, I want you to do something. Okay?” Taylor asked, as he reached into his center console and pulled out an IR strobe light
“What?” Tara stammered out, Taylor’s cool and confident demeanor was oddly reassuring.
I like to think, that before that Navy SEAL double tapped bin Laden in the head, he kicked him, so that we could truly say we put a boot in his ass.
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