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Old 08-12-2009, 10:03 PM
Nyles Nyles is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 921

I've shot the SA-80A2 extentsively while training with the Brits, and I never had a jam. Including using blanks with a loose BFA. It is a very reliable weapon, and fairly accurate even with iron sights.

That said it has just about the worse human engineering I've ever seen on a rifle. It's uncomfortable to use and all the controls are awkward to use. So in summation, I like it as a soldier, but as a serious shooter I hate it. I'd take it into combat if I had to, but I'd rather have my C7.

And I have to say, my experience of working with the Brits is they have the best non-coms in the world, and their CFR officers are really good. But some of the officers I worked with were definate candidates for the upper class twit of the year award. I think they're a great army - after training with them I sure as shit wouldn't want to fight them!
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