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Old 09-21-2009, 12:44 AM
mr_Goodbomb mr_Goodbomb is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 64
Default Conceal carry flask?

I was thinking about places to hide a conceal carry, to put a very small handgun (derringer/NAA mini sized) that wouldn't look conspicuous.

I had thought if there was a fake flask, a normal metal hip flask, this size...

...That had a false bottom that raised edges to hide it in and snap in place that held the weapon and maybe extra rounds. It would be safer than a concealment holster, which could potentially be shot THROUGH, as it won't shift and the interior is metal, and if it is found (police have a tendency to search people at random when they're pulled over locally), it'll just look like a flask, which isn't illegal. In fact, if it's empty, no one would even suspect it to hold anything other than liquor, so they wouldn't give it a second glance after shaking it our pouring it upside down produces no liquid.

It seemed like a neat little idea, and fairly simple. Has anyone ever seen one?
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