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Old 11-13-2010, 08:55 AM
Clutch Clutch is offline
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Originally Posted by Excalibur View Post
There will always be cheap ways for players to think up to win the game and it still is a game, if someone has a more precise way to kick your ass, then more power to them. Sure it'll get annoying getting knifed and grenade launchers coming at you, but that's how the game is.

Since Metal of Honor was designed by DICE, their multiplayer is completely different from any of COD's designs. It has a lot of similar elements.

You only see the MW2 multiplayer failing because of the cheap bastards utterly destroying you with easy fast tactics that aren't "fair, or realistic".

And what do you mean "Knifing from across the map"? You can't do that in any game. You sneak up to a guy and knife him or rush him before he can shoot you and knife him. If you mean the throwing knife, that only works if you are REALLY good with your aim and I mean really good.

Games don't need "a little bit more time in the oven"? They aren't a cake. They are like paintings. You do all the fine strokes, colors right and on the right kind of material, but when it is done it is done. You can add a few more extra strokes and add on some more color, but when it is done, the work is to be judged at the time of presentation. If it doesn't stack up on the day it is expected, then the creator fucked up. If he can save it with patches and a little extra work, sure, but that is ONLY when there is something left to be saved or if the minor adjustments are vast improvements.

I agree that Metal of Honor has a story to it, but there isn't a lot of character development. It tries to have you feel a connection for these guys you play, but lack it.
What I mean by knifing across the map is this. Ever play a match, come across someone using that perpetual knifing setup, sight him in and shoot first? Then die, even though you know you hit him and he was a good distance from you at that moment? Then, when you watch the killcam, you discover that your shotgun blast or burst of machine gun fire did nothing to him? THAT'S what I mean by knifing across the map. Here's something else that's happened before. You spawn after getting killed by someone else. You take two steps...and are then stabbed in the back by Usain Bolt on crack, who's been running around the map the entire match, knifing whoever's unlucky enough to cross his path.

I stopped playing MW2 online several months ago for that and several other reasons, including the lag and shitty hit detection (two of the things that makes knifing work so well in the first place). And the boosting, too...don't get me started on the boosting. Many a game was ruined because some jackass wanted to score that damn nuke so frickin' badly. In comparison, CoD4 and MoH work so well because they don't rely on none of that. No idiotic perks. No ridiculous knife-lunging.
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