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Old 01-23-2010, 01:39 PM
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Originally Posted by MT2008 View Post
I don't think the Desert Eagle's that stupid a gun for the movies. It may be an over-priced penis substitute with no practical value in real life, but in movies, it has character and screen presence that almost no other handgun has. As much as some people laugh at "The Matrix" films for featuring the Eagle, it's actually a perfect weapon for the Agents when you consider that the characters are supposed to be menacing, so they need to have wicked-looking handguns.
Overall, the Eagle works amazingly well in The Matrix. Not only does it look small because the agents are all actually big guys (Hugo Weaving is a solid 6'3") but it also fits the bill as to what they are all about. The agents are not necessarily about finesse when it comes right down to it.

And, interestingly enough, the film only puts the Eagle in the hands of the agents, despite the fact that the heroes have access to any gun ever for their raid. They choose more reliable hardware across the board.
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