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Old 02-18-2009, 09:36 PM
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MoviePropMaster2008 MoviePropMaster2008 is offline
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Originally Posted by Gunmaster45 View Post
As for MPM's post, excelent work, great way to sum it up from your perspective. I promise you if I ever become a director, anyone who does that crap will be OFF THE SET. I would kill an actor if they tossed one of my guns on the ground or mishandled it.
But if you're the director, they won't be using YOUR guns. They will be prop guns rented by the production company. As the director you will be worried about alot more things than the small details. Sure, the department heads are supposed to clear things with you like wardrobe, props, art design, makeup design, etc. etc. And usually the director is more worried about what looks COOL on camera. They are more than willing to ruin guns for the shot, and their studio or production company will cut a check for the replacement cost. A production working for Warner Brothers destroyed one of my Cobray M11s years ago and WB corporate dutifully sent a check for three times (3x) the replacement cost, and they did it quickly. That was nice. But that was back in the day when a person could just go out and get another one. Rare guns or guns that are no longer made .... destroying them would give me a heart attack.

Hey MPM, has anyone been dumb enough to cause an on-set gun related injury while you were around?
Nope and thank God.
And who are some actors well known who you would recommend to avoid giving a gun to?
And THAT is the reason I post anonymously! hahahahahaha. Ask the other armorers on IMFDB that question! They probably have seen more famous people fuck up on set than I have But as a rule, armorers are very 'discreet'. We don't risk getting 'blacklisted' when outing "gun idiots".
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