Thread: Three Kings
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Old 05-03-2009, 09:25 PM
jdun jdun is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 101

A typical GI can carry any personnal sidearm they like (mostly 9mm or 45ACP) as long as they have permission from their CO. However the vast majority do not asks because the typical reply from their CO is "no".

You can't bring your personnel sidearms from the States to another country. You have to buy the firearm from the country you are stationed and that can be very expensive. You can't bring the sidearm back to the States so you have to sell it before moving back.

You standout from the rest of the troops if you carry a personal firearms. Which can translate to more people wanting to kill you.

Special Force more or less can use any weapons that they are certified.
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