Thread: Three Kings
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Old 05-01-2009, 07:02 PM
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MoviePropMaster2008 MoviePropMaster2008 is offline
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Default I have problems with the page

Someone's pulling a GM45 moment on this page. (apologies He is WAAAAAYYYY better nowadays and should be praised for his restraint) The Clooney's finger section seems ridiculous. I don't want to see other users posting more 'viscera' special effects shots of bullet wounds from shows like CSI or NCIS or (you get the picture). Sections for AKMs, M16s and now CLOONEY'S FINGER?

If it is NOT pertinent MOVIE TRIVIA then don't put it in there. There are OTHER movies that are 'accurate' when it comes to warfare (not many but there are). I myself have put trivia special sections on pages but it's usually a quick note addressing common misconceptions about a film, but you're straying way too far off the focus of GUNS/MOVIES/MOVIE TRIVIA.
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