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Old 11-22-2009, 06:34 PM
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MT2008 MT2008 is offline
IMFDB & Forum Admin
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 2,612

When you say "size" of screenshots, do you mean in terms of the file size or how big they are displayed on the page? We don't really have a rule for file size, but we prefer JPEGs no larger than 100 KB or so; PNGs that are way bigger, we frown upon. As for the display size, our site rules say 500-600 pxiels squared; I would personally say that 600px is best (most of our pages use this size).

As for guns you can't identify, you can post them on the page and just say that you aren't sure what they are, and somebody will ID them later (usually). If you have a rifle that you aren't sure about, for example, you can post "Unknown bolt-action rifle" in the heading, but still describe which character uses it and some other info like that.
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