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Old 11-23-2009, 12:34 AM
Yournamehere Yournamehere is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 912

After reading the rules, standards and principles, I have another question to pose; why are widescreen images considered better than fullscreens?

Furthermore, my Reservoir Dogs page was made prior to the rules, standards and principles page and therefore I couldn't have followed the conditions such as widescreen/jpeg formatting etc. I built the page purely to look it's best, which is why I used the fullscreen version (to get bigger shots) and .png formatted images (which are bigger but allow for more detail). The question I am posing now is, should we allow the pages that were made prior to the rules, standards and principles page to slip through the preferences of .jpeg or widescreen so long as the look good and/or better than any other change that can be made? In other words, is quality the most important element in a page, or should the preference of a certain type of file or shot be taken into consideration first at the potential sacrifice in quality? Where is the gray area? Would my case be an exception to the rule?

Last edited by Yournamehere; 11-23-2009 at 12:37 AM.
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