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Old 05-03-2012, 08:59 PM
commando552 commando552 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: England
Posts: 547

I saw that page and it vexed me a bit, particularly as three of the guns are the exact same gun with a different colour. I really don't think that a variant should be on the main page when it hasn't appeared in anything as it just looks weird and turns the page into an information page about the gun rather than about what it has been in. I think it would be ok though to put these entries in the discussion section in an "Other Variants" section at the top for reference in case it turns up in anything else.

I made a page foe the BMS Milcam Rifle Series, but as the only one that has appeared is the Snicam that is the only one that has an entry. However I did upload the other variants in the series and put them in the discussion page for reference, and that would be my idea on how stuff like this should be done.

On another topic, does anyone else not like how this person is doing the specifications? Caliber AND Cartridge ?!? Effective range is also totally irrelevant in terms of an ID, as is ROF for the most part (games have no need to get it right, and it is different for blank adapted guns and made totally irrelevant by the fact that the sound you here is a stock recording), so there is no need to include them is there? I suppose the place of origin may actually be useful though, in terms of working out if a gun is likely to appear in stuff depending on where it is shot.
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