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Old 12-07-2012, 04:56 AM
BlackIce_GTS BlackIce_GTS is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 88

Originally Posted by Swordfish941 View Post
I'm thinking of getting into the Final Fantasy series. Is there any particular game I should start with?
Four (it was FFII in it's original North American release, because we didn't get the Japanese 2 or 3 here until recently) or seven.
Seven is a major object of worship because it was a huge revolution for the series and a lot of you damn kids never played any of the old ones. I think the SNES games (four (2), five, and six (3)) are still great games, but maybe I'm just old. I mean... old school.
I think they've re-released FFVII recently? That would be great for you, because have you looked at a Playstation 1 game recently? They make my eyes bleed.
Conversion table
Japan - Everywhere else
1 = 1
2 = nope
3 = nuh-uh
4 = 2
5 = no dice
6 = 3
Re-releases use Japanese numbers, so this only matters if you're looking for old cartridges. Or ROMs, but that would be slightly illegal.

The first one is ridiculously hard, and I never played the 2nd or 3rd because back in my day we only had terrible fan-translated ROMs of them.
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