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Old 01-23-2014, 09:27 PM
SPEMack618 SPEMack618 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Georgia
Posts: 742

I have been on bouts of extended active duty here as of late. Like, above and beyond the one weekend/two weeks a year type deal. Some of that was OCS, and the other part was I got picked to be part of the liaison team between the 3rd ID and the 48th BCT, which involved a lot of active duty work. (and a lot of beer at the Soldier's Club)

I think every O-2 in the military has an idea about how the military should look.

I don't think the Government should necessarily be afraid of the people, but should realize that they govern with the consent of the govern, are answerable to the citizenry, and that the citizens, if the need arise may use their lawfully held private arms to depose a corrupt regime.
I like to think, that before that Navy SEAL double tapped bin Laden in the head, he kicked him, so that we could truly say we put a boot in his ass.
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