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Old 01-04-2012, 02:08 AM
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My old house door was unlocked, it got straightened out, my next door neighbors were having a barbecue and out back cooking so they had told him to just come in.

What im saying is you cant just open fire on someone unless they are a threat. Draw your gun and try and hold them till cops come dont just double tap and claim catle doctrine. I know someone who held a plumber up with a glock 23 cause her sister had called him there (roommates) without telling her. She had the right to hold an unknown up with a gun sure but imagine if internet forum rambo (ive seen a lot on tfl/glocktalk who think you should just go around open carrying and shooting bad guys all day) had gunned down an innocent man for no reason?
"I don't need luck, I have ammo!"

Grunt, Mass effect 3
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