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Old 04-04-2009, 08:14 PM
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Gunmaster45 Gunmaster45 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: New York, USA
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Well, these guns aren't used by military or law enforcement, so to game makers, who cares? No one will recognize these guns and no fun scenario can be built in which normal everyday guns are used (as they see it).

I've thought up two awesome game ideas I plan to show off to gamed designers later on. Both are FPS games, but the first is very devoted to accurate law enforcement all over the US, from the typical patrolman to the SWAT teams. Screw Rainbow Six, what can three guys with H&K guns do that a well trained group of SWAT can't? Police cover urban settings so I'd try to squeeze in the unseen guns.

The second was the idea of a dinosaur outbreak on a small town (hopefully sponsored by Jurassic Park, I love their dinosaur sounds), in which one view was from a student among a group of survivors while the other was from the point of a National Guardsmen. One would consist of flight over fight and mainly try to avoid dinosaurs (or kill them with make shift weapons or luckily found guns) while the NG would have his M4A1 and Beretta and have to deal with a lot of killing and saving. Eventually the two characters will clash so the student character can learn how to use a gun better and be better supplied with weaponry.

I originally thought of a beginning like this:

A kid gets on a bus after school so he can finally go home. He sits down on the back of the bus and has a conversation with another kid (so the player can do SOMETHING during the ride) until they spot something big in the woods (a T-Rex, later revealed). It rams their bus off the road eventually and the player is knocked out cold. He wakes up and the bus is flipped on its side, his foot is pinned under a broken seat. He hears a hissing sound and looks over to see a Deinonychus enjoying the bus driver as a snack. He starts to yank his leg out but the thing now knows he's there. It jumps and lands a few inches from his face. It leans down for a throat grab but he grabs its eyes and graphically blinds it. Then he pulls his leg out and limps out of the rear exit (which is sideways as well). He then finds six more raptors outside, members of his pack. He spots a house and quickly limps toward the door, being knocked down by the force of the door slamming behind him. He then pushes the door closed with his foot before the raptor smashes through. He climbs the stairs to an uninhabited bedroom and finds a Remington 870. The raptors smash through the windows and door and he is surrounded on all ends as they close in.
I think that would make a good demo. I know what happens next but why spoil the suspense? Image all this in super-real FPS where you cans see your hands and feet and don't feel like a floating camera with hands. Movements will be non game like and defense such as eye gouging will be essential. Assume it has dramatic music as well. And no HUD, you see this like a real person.

If any of you steal this idea from me, I'll hunt you down and kill you
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