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Old 07-20-2010, 10:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Zulu Two Six View Post
oh...maybe i worded my comment wrong, i said i thought he was in reality, not the dream
but it is a really good way to sum up a movie. of course i expect nothing less from christopher nolan
A few things I didn't understand. The movie was one you really had to pay attention to, and since I was on a date I missed some parts...

Could someone explain:

1: At the beginning of the movie, what did they need to get from Sato's mind?

2: What were they infiltrating Cillian Murphy's mind for, and why did nobody seem to make use of the information once everyone woke up?

3: When Cobb is in limbo trying to find Sato, why is Sato an old man, but Cobb isn't? And why did they both wake up on the plane, wouldn't they have been in limbo for at least a year for Sato to have been so old?

Also, did anybody notice the combination to the safe was mentioned several times? When Cillian Murphy is first told to say the first six letters in his head, he says the combination, and the girl's fake phone number is also the combo.