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Old 07-20-2010, 11:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Excalibur View Post

I can explain the limbo part. Sata "died" and had already been in limbo ahead of Cobb and since time doesn't matter in limbo, decades had already passed by the time Cobb entered limbo and washed up on that beach.

Also it was a 10 hour flight. Remember time doesn't matter in the dream world or is very fast. A 10 hour flight could have been forever in limbo.

We can assume Cobb was trying to get corporate secrets from Sato, but Sato was obviously baiting himself to scout Cobb for his job offer.

Well Cillian Murphy - Robert Fischer, Jr if you remember, they were in his mind to plant an idea and make him think it's his own "Inception" is what it is called. Didn't you watch the movie?

And yes, I also noticed the fake number and the combination is the same. Obviously it was meant to keep Cillian Murphy's character - Robert Fischer, Jr to remember it.

Ok let me get this straight, you forgot about WHY they were in Cillian Murphy's mind but remember that the fake girl's number is the same as the combo for the safe?
It was a simple as me being too distracted at some parts to catch the main idea, to being able to watch it and be observant in others.