Thread: Guns in Syria
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Old 04-12-2013, 12:14 PM
Chitoryu12 Chitoryu12 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 58

There's a video I found online (not too sure about linking it even with a warning, since it's basically a shock site full of porn and graphic violence) showing some rebels trying to devise a cunning plan to rescue a guy who was shot and is bleeding to death in a car. So they have one of their men lay down on what looks like a piece of cardboard attached to a wire and try to pull himself across the ground to the car, with the plan that he can just hold onto the guy and his friends can pull them back into safety. He paddles his way under the gunfire to the car and starts pulling the wounded man out. Then the cameraman puts the camera down for some reason for about 20 seconds.

When the camera comes back up, the guy they're rescuing is dead in the gutter about 10 feet away, the savior has the cardboard platform on top of him, and he's being repeatedly shot.

I still haven't figured out what managed to go wrong in 20 seconds.
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