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Old 11-16-2012, 12:46 AM
SPEMack618 SPEMack618 is offline
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Default Literary advice sought

So, bit of a back story, in class today, I got to sketching out an outline for a short story.

The protagonist is a Delta Force commando, but a little on the younger side, and as far as Delta guys can be, an underachiever.

As in, not a ringknocker, mediocre grades, decent OERs, no serious relationships, destined to put in his 20 and retire as a light bird.

His sister, on the other hand, is an ovrachiever, valedictorian, happily engaged research scientist at the CDC who becomes aware of a dangerous nw strain of MRSA eminating from a Sudanese hospital. Her superiors disregard her warnings and she calls her brother. Who then finally steps up for the first time in his life and goes rogue to stop the Sudanese bad guys.

Sound plausible? Something worth reading?
I like to think, that before that Navy SEAL double tapped bin Laden in the head, he kicked him, so that we could truly say we put a boot in his ass.
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