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Old 10-15-2009, 07:06 PM
Ace Oliveira Ace Oliveira is offline
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Originally Posted by predator20 View Post
Kevin Dillon is no great actor, he is great as Drama in Entourage though. I can actually tolerate his accent compared to some of the other butchered southern accents seen in films.

I didn't hear much of an accent coming from Berenger. Funny you mention Ace. Dale Dye says in the commentary that Ace liked to muscle his way into scenes. He laughed his ass off, when Ace tripped over the fence.

While the shot seven times line is silly. The silliest one I can think of "You don't tell me how to run my war Elias!" The real Barnes was shot in the head and survived. He recovered in Japan for 7 months and still went back out there. Stone said he was wounded six or seven times also. But I get what you mean about part of the line being silly "The only thing that can kill Barnes is Barnes!"
I can't believe i didn't hear that "my war" line. That is just ridiculous.

I gotta get those two commentary tracks. They sound pretty cool. And Ace is more awesome the more i know about him. He is just such a simple kid. I love how after he says "Goddamm right he does!" to Barnes when they are interrogating the village elder, Ace looks like he regretted saying that. And what does Dale means about Ace like to muscle his way into scenes? Did he just liked to walk in scenes with no reason? Also, what does he says to Barnes before Barnes goes all anti-social on him and pushes him over the fence?

I really need to get those two Commentary tracks. It looks like Stone got an completely insane experience in Vietnam.

Also about the ARVN soldiers. An movie about ARVN draftees trying to defect could be a good comedy.
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