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Old 10-04-2011, 07:24 PM
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MoviePropMaster2008 MoviePropMaster2008 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
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Default Quit making and using templates that screw up the first photo....

More and more members are making templates that don't align the image to the uppermost right hand corner of the page. In movie pages, this creates a weird white space above the most poster when the template tries to align it with the Table of Contents.

In actor pages, it pushes the actor's screenshot to the far right (squishing it to the right of the guns usage table).

And in each case, many pages are missing the little 'blurb' introducing the person to either the actor or the project.

This should be done especially in the cases of foreign or obscure actors and or projects. Lots of times, I have never heard of the project and though I don't want to know the PLOT (and spoilers) I would like to know more about it (like when it was released and in what format and where).

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