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Old 04-27-2010, 03:38 AM
Krel Krel is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 72

A guy at work had one of those crazy law calendars a few years back, and one stood out to me. I don't remember what state it is in, but the law states that it is illegal to carry concealed a weapon over six feet in length!

If you look at it, most looney laws were made for a legitimate reason (such as it is illegal to shoot camels in Phoenix city limits). So, I want to know the reason for this one, and I would really like to see the person that could successfully conceal a weapon over six feet long.

Why is it illegal to shoot camels in Phoenix city limits? After the U.S. Calvary tested camels in the late nineteenth century, they just released them, and the camels multiplied. There were still wild camels in Arizona as late as the nineteen forties.

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