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Old 08-08-2009, 12:17 PM
Yournamehere Yournamehere is offline
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Originally Posted by Gunmaster45 View Post
It just seems like sometimes filmakers tip the favor to the confederates too often. Not to offend southerners, but the confederates were kinda the "bad guys" of that war, since they wanted slavery. And that's wrong.
That's a common viewpoint, but the North didn't want to end slavery itself, though it was considered a haven by abolitionists. The North had hinted that the freedom of slaves was to come, through ceasing expansion of the slave trade in new territories, but they were ultimately only freed because of inflamed politicians trying both to cripple and piss off their enemies, more enflamed politicians,Southern of course. Their freedom was a stroke of dumb luck which made the North look like they were advocating the end to this the entire time, as well as the "good guys" to the rest of the world, which was more or less acting on the cool new fad of freeing slaves.

All in all, abolition just sort of happened, and was not a major issue involving the war itself, though the (imaginary, in some cases) contrast between Northerners and Southerners is often portrayed in film work because........ it's easier to understand than what actually happened. It's also a pity that the dumb luck that freed the slaves wouldn't actually free them for another hundred or so years. Some say we are still in a "Second Reconstruction", but you'll learn all of this jibbery joo in your High School history class too .
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