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Old 12-02-2009, 12:31 AM
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MT2008 MT2008 is offline
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The one thing I can maybe say in defense of "Red Dawn" is that it's based on a scenario that was actually considered by military and civilian NSC advisers where the commies might invade through Mexico. But that was back in the day when half of Latin America was commie and Mexico itself was actually teetering on failed state status (and despite what some people say now, the chaos created by drug cartels won't de-stabilize Mexico quite that much). Nowadays, an invasion from Latin America would be MUCH harder, even with the new generation of far-left tyrants like Chavez and Morales in power.

As I've said, it'll be interesting to see how the screenwriters for "Red Dawn" 2010 devise their own Sino-Russo invasion. But whatever explanation they come up with, I guarantee you it's something that would be impossible in real life.
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