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Old 10-06-2009, 02:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Markost View Post
Well, our country is divided about Perón (i don´t think his an hero, he was just a president). You have those who hate him, those that just approves some of his actions but dissaproves a lot of him (me) and the blind fanatics (as our president, Mrs. K). It´s kinda extrange, because Perón helped jews and nazis to re-settle here, but the "peronist" are the first to attack USA all the time blaming them to be nazis...
Hmmm, I see. I had always thought most Argentinians respected him for being so important in the country's development into a regional power, in spite of his authoritarian tendencies. But yes, I do think it would be weird for Peronists to call the U.S. "fascists" while their hero helped actual fascists.

Ah, well, at least your current President is kinda pretty (for her age) even if she is a Peronist. Dunno about nationalizing pensions, though...

Originally Posted by Markost View Post
+1. Remeber what he said: "Winds of war are blowing in the region"
Chavez often doesn't make sense about a lot of stuff. I also still find myself pondering how a leftist finds common cause with the Shi'a clerics of Iran...
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