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Old 07-15-2009, 10:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Excalibur View Post
i guess i'll be dealing with this pains i am not used to as i workout more. A product of beign a fat guy and not exercising
You really might want to divide your time between running and an exercise bike. Plenty of people I've known who have dealt with obesity-related pains find that it works best for them when they do a mix of time on the bike and actual running (either outdoors or treadmill). Not to mention, it breaks up the monotony. Also, it isn't strictly an obesity thing; running causes pains for almost anyone, even thin guys like me. The non-stop impact of your feet against uneven ground (or even smooth ground) just sends endless vibrations through your spine and hips that wear them down.

Another good thing to try is the ergometer, which burns hella calories, but can also fuck up your back if you have poor posture and technique. But if you do it right, it tends not to have the same impact as running (which is inevitably going to put stress on your skeleton no matter how correctly you do it).
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