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Old 01-12-2023, 03:14 AM
Jcordell Jcordell is offline
Formerly "Checkman"
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Idaho
Posts: 1,032

In the past few months in my city, we've had two road rage incidents in which two sixty something white guys with big guts, mountain man beards and even bigger tempers have opened fire on cars next to them. Fortunately, they didn't kill or hurt the other occupants. We found them in a relatively short time, and they surrendered peacefully. Both are now in jail (or out on bond) and awaiting their day in court. Why did they do this? Because the cars had California plates on them, and our two heroes don't like the large number of Californians moving into Idaho. The occupants of the two victim vehicles were not armed and one of the cars was a rental with California plates. The driver of the rental was a native of Idaho for crying out loud!

Christmas morning, we had two guys get in an argument at a party and one shot the other one in the chest. The victim died from his injury about a week later.

We've had numerous incidents lately in which folks are waving around their legally owned and carried guns at bars, restaurants, sporting events and other social occasions. Usually when they are drunk or high and in a bad mood.

There have been many other occasions in which piss poor judgement and firearms have come together. It's only been the grace of God that I haven't had to shoot anyone. Eighteen months to my retirement. I'm crossing my fingers.

There are some folks who just shouldn't be gun owners. There was a time I wouldn't have said that, but time, age and 22 years as a police officer can change one's beliefs - or at least modify them.

No, I am not in favor of gun banning etc. But there are some who should not own or have access to firearms.
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