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Old 08-13-2016, 02:34 PM
Jcordell Jcordell is offline
Formerly "Checkman"
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Originally Posted by funkychinaman View Post
The "gunshow loophole" is a ludicrous terms, because I don't know about you guys, I've never bought a gun at a gun show or even online without passing a background check first. They should call it the Craigslist loophole, and I have no idea how they would intend to enforce such a thing.
Same here. Now ,on the other hand, I have purchased several firearms through estate auctions and background investigations are not required. The auction company is merely acting as an agent in the sale of property. Legally it is considered to be a sale between two private citizens and ,so far, the Federal government is not messing with that. The only time that I have had to fill out the federal paperwork was when a longtime pawnshop went out of business in my hometown and I won the bid on my Webley. Since the pawnshop had an FFL the business was following Federal requirements. The last two handguns I've purchased have been at estate auctions. I don't see estate auctions being viewed as an "easy" way for badguys to obtain guns. The bidding can get pretty intense and the auction company has you provide information before you can get a number - which you need to enter into a bidding. I'm a collector and I can tell you that a typical lowlife will get steamrolled if they think they can obtain that Colt Python or even an Astra .357 magnum for just a few hundred bucks.
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