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Old 02-14-2014, 02:51 AM
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MT2008 MT2008 is offline
IMFDB & Forum Admin
Join Date: Nov 2008
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Sorry to disappear; I've been busy. It's not that I've been away from IMFDB; just constantly getting distracted whenever I try to muster the energy to concentrate on writing a response. Plus, I sense that I'm playing with fire.

Originally Posted by SPEMack618 View Post
I have been on bouts of extended active duty here as of late. Like, above and beyond the one weekend/two weeks a year type deal. Some of that was OCS, and the other part was I got picked to be part of the liaison team between the 3rd ID and the 48th BCT, which involved a lot of active duty work. (and a lot of beer at the Soldier's Club)
You commissioned? Congrats! One of these days, I may have to ask you about your experiences with that (I'm having serious trouble just getting MEPS to cooperate with my application to USAR because I already applied to the Air Force).

Originally Posted by SPEMack618 View Post
I don't think the Government should necessarily be afraid of the people, but should realize that they govern with the consent of the govern, are answerable to the citizenry, and that the citizens, if the need arise may use their lawfully held private arms to depose a corrupt regime.
Right, but the problem is, how do you define "corrupt" regime, and who determines when it is time to overthrow it? The current administration has committed a number of acts that many of its opponents regard as evidence of "corruption". I am generally sympathetic to many of those claims. The question is, do those actions give us the right to try and overthrow the administration with our lawfully-held arms?

(And as I am sure you understand, this is a rhetorical question. As a commissioned officer in the U.S. military, I don't expect you to advocate overthrowing your commander-in-chief on the Internet.)
Cry "Havoc," and let slip the hogs of war.
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